Pea blue butterfly

Lampides boeticus

List of symptoms/signs
Fruit  -  abnormal shape
Fruit  -  discoloration
Fruit  -  internal feeding
Inflorescence  -  internal feeding
Seeds  -  internal feeding
Larvae not only feed within developing flowers, but also on seeds within the seed pods of the host. Frass is deposited at one end of the pod, where it may cause decay. This often shows up externally as dark discoloration.
The adults are dimorphic: the males and females being different. The tops of the wings of the males are blue, whereas those of the females are blue with wide dark brown edges.
Underneath, they both have a brown and white pattern. They both have a little tail on each hind wing, with a pair of small black eye-spots beside each tail. Presumably, the pair of eye-spots and tails (fake antennae) are useful for confusing predators about which end of the animal is which. The butterflies have a wingspan of about 3 cms.

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