AC Jettison 150

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Active materials

AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide is an emulsifiable concentrate formulation. It should be applied after careful field monitoring of pest populations of eggs and larvae to determine the need for application, the correct timing of the initial application and of any subsequent applications. For Cotton only, subsequent applications are dependent on economic thresholds, as well as the growth rate of new unprotected cotton terminals. For Helicoverpa species, spray applications should be timed to coincide with egg hatching and before larvae are entrenched in protected feeding sites.

AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide has been specifically designed for use in Integrated Pest Management schemes. The active ingredient, indoxacarb, enters larvae primarily by ingestion of treated foliage or through penetration of the insect cuticle. After ingesting indoxacarb, the larvae cease feeding and die three to five days later. AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide does not give traditional larval “knockdown” control but controls nominated larvae species giving superior square, flower and boll protection in cotton or foliage, flower and pod protection in Chickpea, Faba beans, Mungbeans or Soybeans.

PRODUCT USE: The interaction of equipment and weather-related factors determines the potential for spray drift. The applicator must consider all these factors when making application decisions and determining off-target drift risks near the application. A spray drift minimization strategy should be employed at all times when applying this product.


MIXING: Use only clean water. Half fill the spray tank with water and add the appropriate amount of AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide directly to the spray tank, agitate and add Ovasyn or amitraz 200 g/L EC, (if applicable), then completely fill the tank. Mix thoroughly and continue mechanical or hydraulic agitation.

Storage of spray mixture: Use the prepared spray immediately. If unforeseen conditions prevent immediate use of the AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide spray mix, the mix may be stored up to 72 hours. Before use, thoroughly agitate the spray mix until fully resuspended. Mixtures of AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide plus Ovasyn or Amitraz 200 g/L EC should not be stored.

APPLICATION: Application equipment should be calibrated to apply at least sixty (60) droplets per cm2 of target foliage. Droplets should be of MEDIUM spray droplet size.

Ground application: Apply as a blanket spray or as a banded spray to all crops. Ensure thorough spray coverage on the foliage, using appropriate fan nozzles. Apply in a minimum spray volume of 100 L/ha and keep the boom low to avoid spray drift. A minimum spray pressure of 275 kPa (40 psi) should be used with fan nozzles applying insecticides.

Aerial application: AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide must only be applied with aircraft fitted with accurately calibrated equipment. Apply a minimum total spray volume of 30 L/ha with nozzles (e.g. Micronaire rotary atomisers, CP nozzles or conventional hydraulic nozzles) set to medium spray quality according to ASAE S572 definition for standard nozzles. A spray drift minimization strategy should be employed at all times when applying this product. DO NOT apply AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide using Ultra Low Volume (ULV) methods.

COMPATIBILITY: Label instructions for all products must be observed. AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide is compatible with Ovasyn insecticide, Amitraz 200 g/L EC formulations and Mepiquat 38 g/L. AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide is not compatible with ultra-low volume (ULV) formulations or the following foliar fertilizers: Supa K 30, Zip, and Triple 7.

INSECTICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING: GROUP 22A INSECTICIDE. For insecticide resistance management AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide is a Group 22A insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide and other Group 22A insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide or other Group 22A insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, Axichem Pty Limited accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide to control resistant insects. Strategies to minimize the risk of insecticide resistance are available. To help prevent the development of resistance to AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide observe the following instructions:

  • Use AC Jettison 150 EC Insecticide in accordance with the current Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) strategy for your region.

  • Cultivate all cotton fields as soon as possible after picking to destroy overwintering pupae of Helicoverpa armigera. For further information contact your local supplier, Axichem representative or local agricultural department agronomist.

Registered for culturesRate
Chickpeas0.3 l
Cotton0.65 - 0.85 l