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To assist in the performance of AXIAL 100 EC Selective Herbicide and other crop protection products in grain, legume and oilseed crops and pastures

ADIGOR is compatible with the following products. Always refer to specific product label for the recommended rate.

Product: AXIAL 100 EC Selective Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 500 mL
Refer to AXIAL label.
If using low water volumes (50 L water/ha or less) use a minimum of 250 mL ADIGOR/ha.
For aerial applications use 500 mL ADIGOR/ha.

Product: Aramo Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 1 L
Comments: For all applications where Aramo is used

Product: Arvesta Mosta
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 1 L
Comments: Herbicide For all applications where this product is used

Product: Correct 100 EC Selective Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 500 mL
Comments: For all applications where Correct is used

Product: Flowable Gesaprim 600 SC Liquid Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 500 mL to 1 L
Comments: For post-emergent use in TT-Canola

Product: Gesaprim Granules Herbicide, Gesaprim Granules 900 WG Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 500 mL to 1 L 
Comments: For post-emergent use in TT-Canola

Product: Hussar Selective Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 1 L
Comments: For all applications where Hussar is used

Product: Innova Clethodim 240 Herbicide, Select Herbicide and other clethodim 240 EC products
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 1 L
Comments: Follow label directions for all applications where clethodim 240 EC products specify use of esterified seed oil adjuvants

Product: Intervix Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 1 L
Comments: For all applications where Intervix is used

Product: Logran 750 WG Selective Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 1 L
Comments: Refer to Logran label

Product: Logran B-Power Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 500 mL
Comments: For all applications where Logran B-Power is used

Product: Midas Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 500 mL 
Comments: For all applications where Midas is used

Product: Monza Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 1 L
Comments: For all applications where Monza is used

Product: Targabolt Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 1 L
Comments: For all applications where Targabolt is used

Product: Topik 240 EC Selective Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 500 mL
Comments: Refer to Topik label

Product: Verdict 520 Herbicide
ADIGOR Rate/100 L Spray Volume: 1 L
Comments: For all applications where Verdict is used

Refer to product labels for Directions for Use of esterified oil seed adjuvants with the following products, Atlantis Selective Herbicide, Blazer Selective Herbicide, Clearsol Herbicide, Decision Selective Herbicide, Flame Herbicide, Fusion Super WG Herbicide, Hammer Herbicide, Lightning Herbicide, OnDuty Herbicide, Raptor WG Herbicide, Shogun Herbicide, Spinnaker Herbicide and other 700 g/kg imazethapyr products and Tordon Double Strength Herbicide.

Use of ADIGOR with other Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides, Defoliants or Dessicants
ADIGOR may be used on grain, legume and oilseed crops and pastures wherever an oil-based adjuvant is recommended on the label of the agricultural chemical unless ADIGOR or esterified seed-oil adjuvants are specifically excluded.
The recommended usage rate of ADIGOR for all such applications should be approximately 0.5 to 1 L/ha and should not be less than 0.2 L/ha (See table below).

Spray Application: Low volume 
Spray Volume/ha: 10 to 20 L/ha
Rate of ADIGOR/100 L Spray Volume: 2 to 5 L

Spray Application: Broadacre boom spray
Spray Volume/ha: 50 to 100 L/ha
Rate of ADIGOR/100 L Spray Volume: 500 mL to 2 L

Spray Application: High volume
Spray Volume/ha: 200 to 500 L/ha
Rate of ADIGOR/100 L Spray Volume: 200 to 500 mL

When spraying at volumes other than those shown above, apply ADIGOR at approximately 0.5 to 1 L/ha.



ADIGOR is a blend of surfactant and methylated canola oil for use with a wide range of crop protection products to improve the reliability of weed control.
Important: Prior to use, read all directions on this label and on the label of the crop protection product being used. Any specific usage or restriction on the crop protection product label has precedence over directions for use referred to on this label.

Mixing: Follow the directions on the label of the crop protection product being used. Thoroughly clean the sprayer prior to and following use. For appropriate cleaning instructions, refer to the label of the product sprayed previously.
Fill the spray tank to half full with clean water. Start agitation. Add the crop protection product by pouring it into the stream of incoming water and continue filling. Add the required amount of ADIGOR just before the tank is full and continue agitation. Ensure spray solution is applied as soon as possible after mixing.

ADIGOR can be applied in combination with a range of crop protection products. However, some products can result in crop yellowing or crop injury when applied with crop oils including ADIGOR. Always refer to the label of mixing partners to determine if they can be used with crop oils. For example Brodal Selective Herbicide, Paragon Herbicide, Sniper Herbicide and Tigrex Selective Herbicide may cause crop injury when used with crop oils including ADIGOR. For the latest information on compatibility of ADIGOR, refer to your local reseller, Syngenta Territory Manager, Syngenta website or technical advice line Freecall 1800 067 108.