Antracol 700 WG

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Antracol 700 WG is a broad-spectrum fungicide that is used to protect a wide range of crops from diseases caused by fungi. It is a Group M3 fungicide that works by inhibiting the enzyme chitin synthase, which is essential for fungal cell wall formation.

Benefits of Antracol 700 WG:

  • Broad-spectrum control of fungal diseases: Antracol 700 WG has broad-spectrum activity, meaning that it can control a wide range of fungal diseases.
  • Effective against early-stage and late-stage infections: Antracol 700 WG is effective against both early-stage and late-stage fungal infections.
  • Long-lasting activity: Antracol 700 WG has long-lasting activity, providing protection for up to 7 weeks.
  • Compatible with a range of adjuvants: Antracol 700 WG can be used in conjunction with a range of adjuvants to improve its performance. For example, Sticka Spray Oil can be used to improve the spread and penetration of Antracol 700 WG.
  • Safe for use around people and animals when used as directed: Antracol 700 WG is safe for use around people and animals when used as directed according to the label. It is important to read the label carefully before use.
  • Environmentally friendly: Antracol 700 WG is a relatively environmentally friendly fungicide, with low toxicity to mammals, birds, and aquatic organisms.

How to Use Antracol 700 WG:

  1. Read the label carefully before using Antracol 700 WG. The label contains important safety information and instructions for use.
  2. Mix Antracol 700 WG with water according to the label instructions. The amount of Antracol 700 WG that you need to add will vary depending on the crop and the disease being treated.
  3. Apply the Antracol 700 WG solution to the crop. This can be done using a sprayer, a boom sprayer, or a roller.
  4. Reapply as needed. The frequency of reapplication will vary depending on the crop, the disease being treated, and the weather conditions.

Safety Information:

  • Always read the label carefully before using Antracol 700 WG.
  • Keep Antracol 700 WG out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Do not apply Antracol 700 WG to food or feed crops, or to areas that may come into contact with food or feed crops.
  • Do not apply Antracol 700 WG to areas that are frequented by people and pets.
  • Do not apply Antracol 700 WG to water bodies or wetlands.
  • If you come into contact with Antracol 700 WG, wash the affected area with soap and water immediately.

Additional Tips:

  • For best results, apply Antracol 700 WG when the weather is calm and there is no rain forecast.
  • Adjust the sprayer settings to apply the Antracol 700 WG solution evenly to the target area.
  • Do not apply Antracol 700 WG to crops that are stressed, such as those that are drought-stressed or heat-stressed.
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