Atrazine 900DF

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials


Before opening, carefully read Directions for Use, Precautionary Statements, Safety Directions, and First Aid Instructions. This product is a pre- and post-emergence herbicide which will selectively control:

  • Weeds and grasses in Canola (Triazine Tolerant varieties only), Sorghum, Maize, Sweet Corn, Sugar Cane, Lupins, Broom Millet, Saccaline, and Forage Sorghum.
  • Mintweed in established Lucerne.
  • Brome grass in Sirocco Phalaris, Demeter Fescue, and Currie Cocksfoot grass seed crops.
  • Provide control of weeds and grasses growing on a fallow in a conservation tillage system.

However, established perennial species, large annuals, and large broadleaf weeds are not satisfactorily controlled at the rates recommended. It acts mainly through root absorption; its effectiveness depends on the occurrence of rainfall or irrigation to move it down into the weed root zone. Duration and effectiveness of control depend on the amount of chemical applied, soil type, rainfall, and particular weed species.

The maximum rate of atrazine application in all crops except plantation forestry is limited to an amount of product equivalent to 3kg a.i. atrazine/ha per year. DO NOT exceed this limit, especially when applying an atrazine herbicide post-emergence, where an atrazine herbicide has been applied pre-emergence.

The maximum rate of application in plantation forestry is an amount of product equivalent to 4.5kg a.i. atrazine/ha per year in sandy soils and those defined as highly erodible, and product equivalent to 8kg a.i. atrazine/ha per year in clay loam and heavier textured soils.


  • Fill vat 60 - 80% full with clean water BEFORE adding Atrazine 900DF.
  • Begin agitating vat contents vigorously and continue agitation during entire mixing and spraying operations.
  • Pour the required amount of Atrazine 900DF STEADILY into vat. Allow vigorous bypass agitation to completely disperse product. DO NOT dump product into vat all at once.
  • After adding the required quantity of Atrazine 900DF and obtaining COMPLETE DISPERSION, continue to fill the vat to the desired level for spraying.
  • Thorough agitation of the spray liquid should continue during the entire spraying operation.
  • N.B.: Spray solution should NOT be left standing in the vat overnight.

Mixing: DO NOT mix, load, or apply this product within 20m of any well, sink-hole, intermittent, or perennial stream.


This product acts mainly by root absorption. Its effectiveness depends on the occurrence of rainfall or irrigation to move it down into the weed root zone. Sufficient rain or irrigation to thoroughly wet the soil through the weed root zone should occur or be made immediately after application to provide appropriate weed control. Delay in activation of the product may result in some weed growth. In flood or furrow irrigation situations, complete and continued activation of the product may not occur due to a thin band of dry soil on the surface during or after irrigation. Mechanical incorporation after application, using light harrows to incorporate the product into the soil not more than 4cm deep, is required to ensure the irrigation water activates the product. Always apply the product to an even unridged seedbed.


GROUP HERBICIDE Rygel Atrazine 900DF Herbicide (Atrazine 900DF) is a member of the triazines group of herbicides. Atrazine 900DF has the inhibitors of photosynthesis at photosystem II mode of action. For weed resistance management Atrazine 900DF is a Group C herbicide. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes resistant to Atrazine 900DF and other Group C herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Atrazine 900DF or other Group C herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Rygel Australia Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Atrazine 900DF to control resistant weeds. Advice as to strategies and alternative treatments that can be used should be obtained from your local supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture/Primary Industries, or a Rygel representative. Any incidents of resistance must be reported to Rygel Australia Pty Ltd, 03 9768 2803.

Integrated Weed Management Strategy for TT Canola

An Integrated Weed Management Strategy for TT Canola (the Strategy) has been developed by Rygel Australia with the assistance and agreement of the Canola Association of Australia. The Strategy outlines recommendations measures and options for weed management including management of herbicide resistance in weed populations. The Strategy is available from a Rygel representative and the Canola Association of Australia. A program has been developed that outlines sound agronomic practices and integrated weed management programs designed to optimize the performance of TT canola. It is advised that consultation on IWM be undertaken with an accredited agronomist prior to the use of ATRAZINE 900DF on TT canola.

To minimize herbicide resistance:

  • Avoid dry sowing in heavily weed-infested paddocks. Wait for weed germination after the opening rains in weedy paddocks. Use a pre-plant knockdown or cultivation. No weeds should be allowed to survive at this stage.
  • Adapt the weed control program to the anticipated weed spectrum and pressure: Broadleaf Weeds and Ryegrass: Use SIMAZINE or ATRAZINE plus Triflur 480 pre-emergence. A follow-up with a Group A herbicide (if ryegrass is susceptible) or ATRAZINE may be necessary. Broadleaf Weeds only: Use ATRAZINE post-emergence.
  • DO NOT use ATRAZINE or SIMAZINE if the area to be treated had a triazine herbicide applied to it last season.
  • Watch for escapes in paddocks with a long history of Group C herbicide uses.
  • DO NOT use Group C herbicides in consecutive years.

Resistant Weeds Reporting

Growers should collect plant or seed samples where weeds that are normally susceptible to atrazine and simazine may be resistant, get them tested, and seek professional advice.

To avoid Triazine carry-over

On acid soils (pH less than 6.5) - The maximum rate of Atrazine or Simazine or a combination of the two products to be applied to the crop during the growing season is 2.2kg/ha. On alkaline soils (pH greater than 6.5) - The maximum rate of Atrazine or Simazine or a combination of the two products to be applied to the crop during the growing season is 1.1kg/ha. Post-emergence use - It is recommended that Atrazine only be used, and at rates of 1.1kg/ha or less, on both acid or alkaline soils.


Heavy rains immediately following an application tend to result in excessive concentrations of herbicide in the seed furrow, thus encouraging possible crop injury. This is most likely to occur when a pre-plant or pre-emergence application is made using rates in excess of 2kg per hectare. To avoid the likelihood of herbicide injury follow time of application (a), (b), or (d) listed below.

Time of Application (Sorghum, Maize, Broom Millet, Saccaline, Sweet Corn)

Pre-plant or pre-emergence applications are preferred where grasses are the major problem.

  • (a) Pre-plant Application - followed by Post-emergence Application. Apply after the establishment of the seed bed and up to two weeks prior to sowing. Application should preferably be made to moist soil and rain or irrigation should follow application. Mechanical incorporation may also assist. If using this technique on irrigated crops then a post-emergence spray must be applied as soon as possible after the crop has emerged and has developed 2 to 3 leaves.
  • (b) At Sowing Application- followed by a Post-emergence application. Apply at or immediately after planting and before the crop and weeds emerge. Application should preferably be made to moist soil and rain or irrigation should follow application. Mechanical incorporation may also assist. If using this technique on irrigated crops then a post-emergence spray must be applied as soon as possible after the crop has emerged and has developed 2 to 3 leaves.
  • (c) At Sowing Application. Apply at or immediately after planting and before the crop and weeds emerge. Application should preferably be made to moist soil and rain or irrigation should follow application. Mechanical incorporation may also assist.
  • (d) Post-emergence Application. Application must be made to seedling broadleaf weeds and grasses when they are not more than 1cm high. Normally the crop is then at the 2 to 3 leaf stage. For best results the soil should be moist and rain or irrigation should follow application. Add a non-ionic surfactant for all post-emergence applications in sorghum, broom millet, and saccaline, and a crop oil at the recommended rate to the spray mixture for maize and sweet corn.


Ground Application: Application can be made as an overall or band treatment. The minimum band width should be 30cm. Apply 50 to 100 litres per hectare.

Aircraft Application: With aircraft application the need for good soil moisture at the time of application and follow up rain or irrigation within 10 days is most critical. Apply 20 to 30 litres per hectare. DO NOT use human flaggers in aerial spraying, unless protected by engineering controls such as enclosed cabs. TT Canola: DO NOT apply to TT-canola by aircraft. Apply only with a low boom sprayer with a 60m buffer zone downwind of treated fields to natural or impounded lakes or dams, and a 20m buffer zone for any well, sink hole, intermittent or perennial stream. Apply only to areas where run-off is unlikely to occur or where run-off may be captured by farm earthworks.


This product is compatible with diquat and other residual herbicides such as diuron. In sugar cane only, the addition of sodium 2,4-D will assist in short term suppression of Nutgrass and other sedges.


Re-entry period: Do not enter treated areas without protective clothing until the spray has dried.


DO NOT spray foliage of desirable plants. DO NOT apply high rates of application to heavier soils if roots of desirable shrubs or trees are near the surface. DO NOT use in channels and drains. DO NOT use near newly planted shrubs, young ornamentals, and species with shallow roots, e.g., Prunus species, or trees in sandy porous soils. DO NOT apply under weather conditions or from spraying equipment which could be expected to cause drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands, or pastures. DO NOT apply or drain or flush equipment on or near desirable trees or other plants or on areas where their roots may extend or in locations where the chemical may be washed or moved into contact with their roots. DO NOT plant crops other than those recommended on this label for at least 6 months following treatments at rates up to 1.4kg per hectare and for 18 months following treatments of 1.4 to 3.3kg per hectare. DO NOT apply in excess of 3.3kg product/ha in any one year, except in forestry situations.


DO NOT apply this product within 60m of natural or impounded lakes or dams. DO NOT use in channels and drains. DO NOT apply under meteorological conditions or from equipment which could be expected to cause drift of this product or spray mix into adjacent areas, particularly wetlands, water-bodies, or watercourses.


Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight. Shake empty bag into the spray tank. Single rinse plastic bags before disposal. Add rinsings to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on-site. Puncture or shred and bury empty containers in a local authority landfill. If no landfill is available, bury the containers below 500mm in a disposal pit specifically marked and set up for this purpose clear of waterways, desirable vegetation, and tree roots. Empty containers and product should not be burnt.


Avoid contact with eyes and skin. DO NOT inhale dust or spray mist. When preparing the spray and using the prepared spray wear cotton elbow-length PVC gloves. After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arm and face thoroughly with soap and water. After each day’s use wash gloves.

Registered for culturesRate
Canola0.5 - 2.2 kg
Sorghum0 kg
Corn0 kg
Sweet corn0 kg
Alfalfa0 kg
Sugarcane2.2 - 3.3 kg
Lupines0 kg