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For the control of insect pests in certain vegetables, as per the Directions for Use

RESTRAINTS: DO NOT apply if rainfall is expected within 2 hours of application, or if heavy rainfall likely to generate run-off is expected within 48 hours of application. DO NOT use on container or hydroponic grown crops.

DO NOT apply with spray droplets smaller than a MEDIUM spray droplet size category according to nozzle manufacturer specifications that refer to the ASAE S572 Standard or the British Crop Protection Council guideline.
DO NOT apply during surface temperature inversion conditions at the application site.
DO NOT apply when wind speed is less than 3 or more than 20 km per hour are measured at application site. Users of this product MUST make an accurate written record of the details of each spray application within 24 hours following application and KEEP this record for a minimum of 2 years. The spray application details that must be recorded are:
1. date with start and finish times of application;
2. location address and paddock/s sprayed;
3. full name of this product;
4. amount of product used per hectare and number of hectares applied to;
5. crop/situation and weed/pest; 6. wind speed and direction during application;
7. air temperature and relative humidity during application;
8. nozzle brand, type, spray angle, nozzle capacity and spray system pressure measured during application;
9. name and address of person applying this product.
(Additional record details may be required by the state or territory where this product is used.)

DO NOT apply if there are aquatic or wetland areas including aquacultural ponds downwind from the application area and within the mandatory no-spray zone shown in the table below:

No-Spray Zones for Protection of the Aquatic Environment
Wind Speed Range at Time of Application:  from 3 to 8 kilometres per hour
Downwind No-Spray Zone: Fixed wing: 160 metres
Downwind No-Spray Zone: Helicopter: 100 metres

Wind Speed Range at Time of Application:  from 8 to 14 kilometres per hour
Downwind No-Spray Zone: Fixed wing: 160 metres 
Downwind No-Spray Zone: Helicopter: 140 metres

Wind Speed Range at Time of Application:  from 14 to 20 kilometres per hour
Downwind No-Spray Zone: Fixed wing: 160 metres
Downwind No-Spray Zone: Helicopter: 140 metres

Wind Speed Range at Time of Application:  from 3 to 20 kilometres per hour
Downwind No-Spray Zone: 5 metres

For use in all States where appropriate for the crop and/or insect pest.

Regularly scout crops to monitor for eggs and larvae. Target sprays against eggs and newly hatched larvae before they become entrenched. Apply as egg and larvae reach threshold numbers.
Fruiting vegetables including cucurbits - a maximum of two (2) applications are to be applied to any one crop per season. Apply on a 7 - 10 day spray interval. Further treatments should be made with alternative mode of action insecticides.
Use enough water to ensure thorough coverage of the crop. Adjust water volumes to crop stage (300 – 1000 L/ha). Target a minimum of 300 L/ha by ground rig and a minimum of 30 L/ha by aircraft.
Use in accordance with AIRAC Insecticide Resistance Management Strategy guidelines.

(excluding Cucurbits), including; Capsicum, Egg plant, Peppers, Tomato (trellis and field)
Sucking pests; Silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia tabaci)
Chewing pests; Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera) Tomato leaf miner (Phthorimaea operculella)
Rate/ Ha: 500 mL + ethylated seed oil (refer Surfactant/Wetting agent section)
Critical Comments: Apply treatment to eggs and early instar stages of a newly developing pest infestation. Apply sequential treatments to maximise efficacy. Benevia® is primarily active on the early nymph stages of SLWF. Benevia® may cause some minor leaf burn on capsicums but flowers and fruit are not affected.

Pest: Sucking pests; Green peach aphid (Myzus persicae) [Suppression only] Tomato thrip (Frankliniella schultzei) [Suppression only] Western flower thrip (Frankliniella occidentalis) [Suppression only
Rate/ Ha: 750 mL + ethylated seed oil (refer Surfactant/Wetting agent section)
Critical Comments: Apply treatment to a newly developing infestation. Apply sequential treatments to maximise efficacy. Benevia® is more active on thrip nymphs than adults. Benevia® may cause some minor leaf burn on capsicums but flowers and fruit are not affected.

including; Cucumbers, Melons, Pumpkin, Squash, Zucchini
Pest: Sucking pests; Melon aphid (Aphis gossypii) Silverleaf whitefly (Bemisia tabaci)
Chewing pests; Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) Cucumber moth (Diaphania indica) Native budworm (Helicoverpa punctigera
Rate/ Ha: 500 mL + ethylated seed oil (refer Surfactant/Wetting agent section)
Critical Comments: Apply treatment to eggs and early instar stages of a newly developing pest infestation. Apply sequential treatments to maximise efficacy. Benevia® is primarily active on the early nymph stages of SLWF.

Pest: Sucking pests; Western flower thrip (Frankliniella occidentalis) [Suppression only]
Rate/ Ha: 750 mL + ethylated seed oil (refer Surfactant/Wetting agent section
Critical Comments: Apply treatment to a newly developing infestation. Apply sequential treatments to maximise efficacy. Benevia® is more active on nymphs than adults.



EXPORT OF TREATED PRODUCE: Suitable Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) or import tolerances for produce treated with Benevia® insecticide may not be established in some countries. Consult with your exporter or DuPont before applying Benevia® insecticide to crops from which produce is to be exported.

DuPont™ Benevia® insecticide is an anthranilic diamide insecticide in the form of an oil-based suspension concentrate (oil dispersion), to be mixed with water and applied as a foliar spray. Benevia® is particularly active on both sucking and chewing (Lepidopteran) insect pests, and is specially formulated for maximum performance by foliar applications in vegetables.
Before application monitor insect populations to determine whether or not there is a need for application of Benevia® insecticide based on locally determined economic thresholds. More than one treatment of Benevia® insecticide may be required to control a population of pests.
Benevia® enters larvae primarily by ingestion, but also by contact. The product also shows ovicidal, ovi-larvicidal and adulticide efficacy, depending upon the pest species. Exposure of the pest species typically results in rapid feeding cessation within a few hours of exposure, however the time to death may take 3 to 6 days, depending upon the species.

DuPont™ Benevia® insecticide has been specifically designed for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) schemes. Application of Benevia® according to this label is expected to be safe to predatory mites, and spiders, but may have adverse effects on parasitoid wasps, ladybird beetles, lacewings and rove beetles in the treated field and parasitoid wasps in downwind areas reached by spray drift. While these beneficial arthropods cannot be relied upon to control pests, they are of potential value and can be monitored along with pests in pest management programs on these crops. According to the standards of Good Agricultural Practices and stewardship, Benevia® should not be applied when honeybees are actively foraging.

For insecticide resistance management DuPont Benevia insecticide is a Group 28 insecticide.
Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Benevia and other Group 28 insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Benevia and other Group 28 insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Benevia on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since the occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use DuPont accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Benevia to control resistant insects.
Benevia may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. To help prevent the development of resistance to Benevia observe the following instructions:
- Use Benevia in accordance with the current Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM) strategy for your region.
- Apply Benevia or other Group 28 insecticides using a “window” approach to avoid exposure of consecutive insect pest generations to the same mode of action. Multiple successive applications of Benevia or other Group 28 insecticides are acceptable if they are used to treat a single insect generation.
- Following a “window” of Benevia or other Group 28 insecticides, rotate to a “window” of applications of effective insecticides with a different mode of action.
- The total exposure period of all “Group 28-active windows” applied throughout the crop cycle (from seedling to harvest) should not exceed 50% of the crop cycle.
- Incorporate IPM techniques into the overall pest management program.
- Monitor insect populations for loss of field efficacy.
For further information contact your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture or Primary Industries, or local DuPont Representative.
For additional information on insect resistance, modes of action and monitoring visit the Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) on the web at

Fill spray tank to ¼ to ½ full of water. Measure the amount of Benevia® insecticide required for the area to be sprayed. Add Benevia® insecticide directly to the spray tank with the agitation engaged. Mix thoroughly to disperse the insecticide. Once dispersed, the material must be kept in suspension at all times by continuous agitation. Use mechanical or hydraulic means, DO NOT use air agitation, premix or slurry.
If spray solution is left standing, ensure thorough re-agitation of the spray mix until fully resuspended. DO NOT allow spray mix to sit overnight, as resuspension may be difficult.

Use an ethylated seed oil (such as Hasten* ) at 200 mL/100 L, up to a maximum of 1 L/ha.

DO NOT add a surfactant/wetting agent if:
- mixing with another product which already contains a surfactant and/or the product label advises not to add a surfactant.
- mixing with a liquid fertiliser.

If the pH of the spray tank after all products have been added and mixed is above pH 8, adjust to pH 8 or less using a registered acidifying agent. If the spray tank pH is 8 or less no adjustment of the spray tank pH is necessary. Spray tanks of pH 8 or less can be held for up to 8 hours before spraying. DO NOT store the spray mixture overnight in the spray tank.

DuPont™ Benevia® insecticide is compatible with many commonly used fungicides, liquid fertilisers, herbicides, insecticides, and biological control products. However, since the formulations of products are always changing, it is advisable to test the physical compatibility of desired tank mixes and check for adverse effects like settling out or flocculation. To determine the physical compatibility, add the recommended proportions of the tank mix products to water, mix thoroughly and allow to stand for 20 minutes. If the combination remains mixed, or can be re-mixed readily, it is considered physically compatible. Avoid complex tank mixtures of several products or very concentrated spray mixtures.
The crop safety of all potential tank-mixes, including additives and other pesticides, on all crops has not been tested. Before applying any tank-mixture not specifically recommended on this label or other DuPont supplemental labelling, the safety to the target crop must be confirmed. To test for crop safety, apply the combination to a small area of the target crop in accordance with the label instructions to ensure that a phytotoxic response will not occur.
DO NOT mix with copper based fungicides.
The mixing sequence recommended is: water soluble bags, dry flowable or water dispersible granules, wettable powders, water based suspension concentrates, water soluble concentrates, oil based suspension concentrates (Benevia® ), emulsifiable concentrates, adjuvants and surfactants, soluble fertilisers.

Minimising Spray Drift
The interaction of many equipment and weather-related factors determines the potential for spray drift. The applicator must consider all these factors when making application decisions. The most effective way to reduce drift potential is to apply large droplets (volume mean diameter (VMD) > 250 - 300 microns). The best drift management strategy is to apply the largest droplets that provide sufficient coverage and control. APPLYING LARGER DROPLETS REDUCES DRIFT POTENTIAL, BUT WILL NOT MINIMISE DRIFT IF APPLICATIONS ARE MADE IMPROPERLY OR UNDER UNFAVOURABLE ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. When making applications in hot and dry conditions, set up equipment to produce larger droplets to reduce effects of evaporation.
DO NOT apply when wind speed is less than 3 or more than 20 kilometres per hour at the application site.

Ground application
Use a boom sprayer fitted with high flow rate nozzles to apply the highest practical spray volume. Nozzles with higher rated flows produce larger droplets. Use the lower spray pressures recommended for the nozzle. Higher pressure reduces droplet size, DOES NOT improve canopy penetration and may increase drift potential. WHEN HIGHER FLOW RATES ARE NEEDED, USE A HIGHER-CAPACITY NOZZLE INSTEAD OF INCREASING PRESSURE. Use a nozzle type that is designed for the intended application. With most nozzle types, narrower spray angles produce larger droplets. Consider using low-drift nozzles. When applying Benevia® by ground application, keep the boom low to avoid spray drift.

Aerial application
DuPont Benevia must only be applied with aircraft fitted with accurately calibrated equipment. Apply a minimum total spray volume of 30 L/ha with nozzles (e.g. Micronaire rotary atomisers, CP nozzles or conventional hydraulic nozzles) set to medium spray quality according to ASAE S572 definition for standard nozzles. A spray drift minimisation strategy should be employed at all times when applying this product. DO NOT apply Benevia using Ultra Low Volume (ULV) methods.

Spray Equipment Cleanout
Prior to application, start with clean, well-maintained application equipment. Immediately following application, thoroughly clean all spray equipment to reduce the risk of forming hardened deposits which might become difficult to remove. Drain spray equipment. Thoroughly rinse sprayer and flush hoses, boom, and nozzles with clean water.
Clean all other associated application equipment. Take all necessary safety precautions when cleaning equipment. DO NOT clean near wells, water sources or desirable vegetation. Dispose of waste rinse water in accordance with local regulations.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Sweet peppers500 - 750 ml1
Eggplant500 - 750 ml1
Peppers500 - 750 ml1
Tomatoes500 - 750 ml1
Cucumbers500 - 750 ml1
Melons500 - 750 ml1
Pumpkins500 - 750 ml1
Squash500 - 750 ml1
Zucchini500 - 750 ml1