Boxer Gold

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For control of Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) and other grass and broadleaf weeds in Barley, Chickpeas, Faba Beans, Field Peas, Lentils, Lupins, Potatoes and Wheat

DO NOT apply to vetch or other pulse crops not listed
DO NOT use in seeding/tillage systems that cannot ensure accurate seed placement and adequate spatial separation of seed and herbicide
DO NOT apply to soils prone to waterlogging, sodic soils or soils affected by physical compaction
DO NOT apply if heavy rains or storms that are likely to cause runoff are forecast within 2 days of application
DO NOT irrigate treated fields to the point of run off within three days of application
DO NOT apply to potato fields where slopes exceed 4%
Potatoes: DO NOT apply more than once per crop
Wheat, Barley: DO NOT apply more than 2.5 L/ha per single growing season

Mandatory No-Spray Zones
DO NOT apply if there are aquatic and wetland areas including aquacultural ponds, within 20 metres downwind from the application area
DO NOT apply if there is non-target vegetation within 10 metres downwind form the application area

Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) including control of Group D resistant populations, Silver Grass (Vulpia spp.), Stone Crop (Crassula spp.)
Suppression of Barley Grass (Hordeum spp.)
Rate/ha: 2.5 L
Critical Comments: Apply pre-emergent and incorporate mechanically by sowing operation (IBS). Application should be made to a moist seedbed up to 7 days prior to sowing and sufficient rain to thoroughly wet the top 3 to 4 cm of soil should occur within 10 days after spraying. Avoid soil throw into adjacent seeding rows or sites where furrow walls may collapse. Refer to crop tolerance, incorporation and tillage requirements under General Instructions.
Barley Grass management
Where a high weed density is expected, delay application and sowing until after the emergence of the first Barley Grass germination following planting rains. Control with cultivation or the application of a registered non-selective herbicide such as Touchdown HiTech Herbicide.
Where sowing following a pasture phase, it is recommended that spray topping with Gramoxone 250 Herbicide or glyphosate is carried out in the previous year to reduce Barley Grass seed set.
Rate/ha: 1.75 L pre-plant followed by 750 mL post plant pre-emergent
Critical Comments: Apply pre-plant and incorporate mechanically by the sowing operation (IBS). Application should be made to a moist seedbed up to 7 days prior to planting.
Follow with the post-plant application as soon after sowing as possible, but before the crop and weeds emerge.
Sufficient rain to thoroughly wet the top 3 to 4 cm of soil should occur within 10 days after each application. At planting avoid soil throw into adjacent seeding rows or sites where furrow walls may collapse.
Barley grass management: Refer to IBS recommendation

Weeds: Suppression of Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) (1 to 3 leaf growth stage)
Rate/ha: 2.5 L
Critical Comments: The use of BOXER GOLD is intended as part of an integrated annual ryegrass management strategy that includes varied means to reduce ryegrass survival and seed-set, to sustain low seed bank numbers. Early post-emergent use of BOXER GOLD should not be the primary means of managing ryegrass numbers.
Surviving plants not controlled by BOXER GOLD may be stunted and uncompetitive but may still set seed.
Apply only to annual ryegrass growing where the soil moisture profile and growing conditions since planting have been good. A follow-up rainfall within14 day of application is required to achieve a high level of weed suppression.
DO NOT apply BOXER GOLD after growth stage Z25 (GS25)
DO NOT apply BOXER GOLD post-emergent to crops that have been treated with a pre-emergent or split application of BOXER GOLD.
DO NOT apply to crops that are water-logged or may be subject to water-logging as unacceptable crop injury may result.
DO NOT apply to Annual Ryegrass that has been stressed due to either a period of marginal moisture or water-logging as the level of weed control may be reduced.
DO NOT apply to crops under stress, such as herbicide damage, due to increased risk of further crop injury.

Weeds: Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), Paradoxa Grass (Canary Grass), Phalaris spp., Red and White Fumitory, Sand Fescue, Silver Grass (Vulpia spp.), Stone Crop (Crassula spp.), soil surface Wild Oats, Wireweed (Hogweed)
Suppression of Barley Grass (Hordeum spp.), Brome Grass, Deadnettle, Rough Poppy, Yellow Burr Weed
Rate/ha: 1.5 to 2.5 L plus 0.8 to 1.5 L of a 480 g/L trifluralin
Critical Comments: DO NOT use less than 2.5 L/ha BOXER GOLD where Group D resistance is confirmed or suspected. Use of BOXER GOLD below 2.5 L/ha alone or in a tank mix WILL NOT be effective in the control of Group D resistant Annual Ryegrass nor to delay the onset of herbicide resistance development. Refer to Tank Mixes under General Instructions.
Apply pre-emergent and incorporate mechanically by sowing operation (IBS). Application should be made to a moist seedbed up to 24 hours prior to sowing and sufficient rain to thoroughly wet the top 3 to 4 cm of soil should occur within 10 days after spraying. Avoid soil throw into adjacent seeding rows or sites where furrow walls may collapse.
Use 1.5 L/ha of a 480 g/L trifluralin in minimum tillage knife/blade point systems only as per trifluralin label. Attention to sowing speed and soil throw is important to ensure crop safety. This is especially critical at higher use rates. Risk of crop injury may increase where greater than 1 L/ha trifluralin 480 g/L is applied with 2.5 L/ha BOXER GOLD. Always refer to use recommendations on trifluralin label regarding soil type restrictions and incorporation timing and rate selection under different tillage systems.
This mixture is recommended for control or suppression of additional weeds, on sandy soils where product movement into the seeding zone poses a crop safety risk or where good soil moisture cannot be assured. Refer to crop tolerance, incorporation and tillage requirements under General Instructions.

Weeds: Toad Rush (Juncus bufonius)
Rate/ha: 1.25 to 2.5 L
Critical Comments: DO NOT use less than 2.5 L/ha BOXER GOLD where Group D resistant Annual Ryegrass is confirmed or suspected. Use of BOXER GOLD below 2.5 L/ha WILL NOT be effective in the control of Group D resistant Annual Ryegrass nor to delay the onset of herbicide resistance development. Refer to Tank Mixes under General Instructions.
Apply pre-emergent and incorporate mechanically by the sowing operation (IBS). Application should be made to a moist seedbed up to 7 days prior to sowing and sufficient rain to thoroughly wet the top 3 to 4 cm of soil should occur within 10 days after spraying. Avoid soil throw into adjacent seeding rows or sites where furrow walls may collapse.
Use upper label rate where longer residual control is required or in situations where crop competition is minimal. Refer to crop tolerance, incorporation and tillage requirements under General Instructions.

 Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), Silver Grass (Vulpia spp.), Stone Crop (Crassula spp.), Wild Turnip
Suppression of Barley Grass, Brome Grass
Rate/ha: 2.5 L plus 25 g Monza Herbicide
Critical Comments: Apply pre-emergent and incorporate mechanically by sowing operation (IBS). Application should be made to a moist seedbed prior to sowing and sufficient rain to thoroughly wet the top 3 to 4 cm of soil should occur within 10 days after spraying. Avoid soil throw into adjacent seeding rows or sites where furrow walls may collapse. Refer to crop tolerance, incorporation and tillage requirements under General Instructions.
Observe crop rotation guidelines detailed on Monza label.

 Annual Ryegrass including control of Group D resistant populations, Barnyard Grass, Blackberry Nightshade, Fat Hen, Fumitory, Glossy Nightshade, Redroot Amaranth, Summer Grass, Toad Rush
Suppression of Common Thornapple, Fierce Thornapple 
Rate/ha: 4 to 5 L

Weeds: Capeweed
Rate/ha: 5 L

Critical Comments: Apply after planting, after the first cultivation but no later than 25% potato shoot emergence. Application should be made to moist soil. Good soil moisture in the top 3 to 5 cm of soil is required for weed uptake to occur. Drying of the top soil can result in less effective weed control. Cultivation after herbicide application may be detrimental to weed control and crop safety if it results in the herbicide being unevenly distributed in the soil.
Crop yellowing may occur where BOXER GOLD is used on soils that have a low organic matter content and which contain more than 60% of fines and silt (crops will recover fully). On these soil types, use rates of BOXER GOLD towards the lower end of the rate range.
DO NOT apply more than once per crop.
DO NOT apply after 25% potato shoot emergence.
May be tank mixed with registered knockdown herbicide (eg Spray.Seed 250 Herbicide) at recommended label rates and timing for control of additional weeds.

Annual Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum), Silver Grass (Vulpia spp.), Stone Crop (Crassula spp.), Toad Rush (Juncus bufonius)
Rate/ha: 2.5 L
Critical Comments: Apply as a pre-emergent application to the soil surface up to 7 days prior to sowing and incorporate mechanically by the sowing operation (IBS). Application should be made to a moist seedbed up to 7 days prior to sowing and sufficient rain to thoroughly wet the top 3 to 4 cm of soil should occur within 10 days after spraying.
Accuracy of seed placement is critical in ensuring crop selectivity. Unacceptable crop injury, including a reduction in crop vigour and yield loss, may occur where adequate positional selectivity of the herbicide is not maintained or where heavy rainfall occurs during the early stages of crop establishment. Avoid soil throw into adjacent seeding rows or sites where furrow walls may collapse. Shallow sowing is not recommended due to the greater potential for movement of herbicide within close proximity of the emerging crop, especially in sandy soils.
Application of BOXER GOLD to crops sown in soils of high leaching potential and those low in clay or organic matter may result in crop damage, especially in the event of heavy rainfall during the early stages of establishment. Conditions resulting in poor root development and the occurrence of crop stresses including waterlogging, drought, nutrient deficiency or disease may result in unacceptable crop damage where adequate positional selectivity of the herbicide has not been maintained.
Avoid double spraying (over-lapping) of the crop with herbicide, including on headlands.
Field peas and Faba beans have been found to be more susceptible to herbicide injury. Refer to crop tolerance, incorporation and tillage requirements under General Instructions.
Late germinating weeds may not be adequately controlled and a post-emergent graminicide or registered spray-topping herbicide treatment (eg Gramoxone® 250) may be required to control later germinating weed cohorts or to reduce weed seed set.


Barley, Chickpeas, Faba Beans, Field Peas, Lentils, Lupins, Wheat


BOXER GOLD is a short residual, soil applied, pre-emergent herbicide that is absorbed by the roots and shoots (coleoptile) of germinating seedlings with inhibition of growth in the meristematic region. Foliar uptake is possible but of lower effect. Upstream translocation in the plant occurs but movement in the phloem is very unlikely. Best activity can be expected from applications before or shortly after the germination of target weeds.
For pre-emergent application, the product should be applied to a moist smooth seedbed free of soil clods and emerged weeds. Product efficacy may be reduced by improper incorporation, high levels of crop or trash residues, stones or foreign matter and in areas of extremely high weed seed density such as header rows. For optimal efficacy and crop safety in barley and wheat avoid shallow seeding and ensure accurate seed placement that avoids placement of seed in the herbicide band. Avoid water repellent soils, soils subject to water logging or where furrow walls are likely to collapse. Duration and effectiveness of weed control will depend on use rate, soil type and rainfall or irrigation after application. Adequate rainfall or irrigation should occur within 10 days of application, as this herbicide requires sufficient available soil moisture to ensure soil movement and uptake by emerging weed seeds.
For early post-emergent application in wheat and barley to suppress annual ryegrass, the product should be applied to a moist soil. Annual Ryegrass should be free of stress from marginal moisture or from water-logging between crop planting and application. BOXER GOLD is less effective on larger emerged weeds and application to ryegrass which has commenced tillering should be avoided. Follow-up rainfall within 14 days of application will be beneficial to herbicide activity as it will move the herbicide into the soil around the shoot base and roots where it is most effective. Mild, transient crop effects may occur with wheat and barley after post-emergent applications. On sandy soils, if substantial rain occurs within the week following application crop phytotoxicity may be more severe.
A registered post-emergent selective graminicide may be required for the control of later germinating Annual Ryegrass cohorts, especially in pulse crops. BOXER GOLD should be used as part of an integrated weed management program that utilises all available weed control tactics. Consider using a registered selective spray-topping treatment such as Gramoxone 250 Herbicide in pulse crops to reduce weed seed set.

Crop Tolerance
The selectivity of BOXER GOLD is a combination of positional and physiological selectivity. Positional selectivity must be maintained by sowing at an adequate depth below the herbicide band. The physiological selectivity of BOXER GOLD is given by the ability of cereals to metabolise the herbicide to inactive compounds more rapidly than susceptible weed species. Environmental factors such as rainfall events following application and soil type will influence product movement into the seed zone. Crop injury may occur when used in sandy soils with high leaching potential or in all soil types when heavy rainfall is received between sowing and emergence. Crop injury may also result from tank mixes with other herbicides. Shallow seeding is not recommended due to the greater potential for movement of herbicide within close proximity of the emerging crop. Conditions resulting in poor root development or the occurrence of crop stresses including waterlogging, drought, frost, nutrient deficiency or disease can result in unacceptable crop damage and yield loss as a result of root uptake of herbicide. Although crop tolerance has been clearly demonstrated in a wide range of registered crop cultivars, differences in relation to the tolerance of recent and future release cultivars may exist. Risk of crop damage may be exacerbated where varieties with short coleoptile length are planted in conjunction with the use of some fungicide seed treatments. In general pulse crop tolerance is greatest in Chickpeas>Lentils>Lupins>Faba Beans>Field peas (most susceptible). Consult your local agronomist, advisory service or National Variety Trial (NVT) herbicide tolerance screening results for the latest information of specific varietal tolerance.

Tillage System
IBS with knife or blade points: Working speed should ensure adequate incorporation of product but avoid soil throw into the adjacent seeding row. Use of presswheels will minimise potential for herbicide to be dragged back into seeding rows. Weed control may be reduced in seeding rows as a result of concentration of herbicide in crop inter-rows. A knife or blade point is defined as being <12 mm in width, having no wings, inverted T or blade and is generally on a minimum 200 mm row spacing.
Full disturbance or conventional cultivation, including trailing harrows/prickle chain: Care should be taken to ensure seed placement below the herbicide band as crop damage may result where seed is sown too shallow. Consult trifluralin label for tank mix rate selection.

BOXER GOLD is an emulsifiable concentrate that mixes readily with water. Fill the spray tank to one quarter full. Add BOXER GOLD and continue adding water to make up to the final spray volume. Agitate while mixing and spraying.
When tank mixing wettable powder or water dispersible granule formulations should be added to the tank first followed by suspension concentrates (flowables), water soluble salts then BOXER GOLD or other emulsifiable concentrate formulations. Maintain thorough agitation during mixing and application. Agitate tank mixes vigorously if allowed to stand. Note: Tank mix spray solutions should NOT be left standing in the vat overnight.

Sprayer Clean Up
After using BOXER GOLD, empty the tank completely and drain the whole system. Thoroughly wash inside the tank using a pressure hose, drain the tank and clean any filters in the tank, pump, line and nozzles.
To rinse: After cleaning the tank as above, quarter fill the tank with clean water and circulate through the pump, lines, hoses and nozzles. Drain and repeat the rinsing procedure twice.

BOXER GOLD is compatible with any 1 of the following herbicides: 2,4-D ester, Hammer, Flowable Gesagard 500 SC Liquid Herbicide, Flowable Gesaprim 600 SC Liquid Herbicide, Gesaprim Granules 900 WG Herbicide, Gesaprim Granules Herbicide, Flowable Gesatop 600 SC Liquid Herbicide, Gesatop Granules 900 WG Herbicide, Gesatop Granules Herbicide, glyphosate, Logran 750 WG Selective Herbicide, Logran B-Power Herbicide, metribuzin, metsulfuron methyl, Monza Herbicide, oxyfluorfen, Spray.Seed 250 Herbicide and trifluralin. DO NOT tank mix with 2,4-D amine or Dual Gold Herbicide. Always refer to registered plant back restrictions on the label of the tank mix partner. Refer to your local Syngenta representative for more information relating to the compatibility and crop safety of herbicide tank mixtures.
BOXER GOLD is compatible with any 1 of the following insecticides: alpha cypermethrin, bifenthrin, chlorpyriphos, dimethoate and Karate Zeon Insecticide.
BOXER GOLD is compatible with liquid Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertilisers provided the spray solution is under constant high agitation.
As formulations of other manufacturers' products are beyond the control of Syngenta and water quality varies with location, all mixtures should be tested prior to mixing commercial quantities.

DO NOT apply by air.
Barley, Chickpeas, Faba Beans, Field Peas, Lentils, Lupins, Wheat: Apply by ground rig only in a minimum of 50 L water/ha. Water rate selection should be based on soil type and stubble load. Stubble loads above 40 to 50% ground coverage can reduce weed control below acceptable levels. Water volumes greater than 70 L/ha are recommended in order to reduce the impact of stubble in direct drill or minimum tillage systems. Use a nozzle delivering spray quality in the coarse spray range.
Potatoes: Apply by ground rig only in a minimum of 100 L water/ha. Use a nozzle delivering spray quality no smaller than a coarse droplet size.

Resistant Weeds Warning
BOXER GOLD Herbicide is a member of the thiocarbamates and chloroacetamides groups of herbicides. This product has the inhibitors of fat synthesis and inhibitors of cell division / inhibitors of very long chain fatty acids modes of action. For weed resistance management, this product is a Group J and Group K herbicide. Some naturally occurring weed biotypes resistant to this product and other Group J and/or Group K herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by this product or other Group J and/or Group K herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use, Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of this product to control resistant weeds. Advice as to strategies and alternative treatments that can be used should be obtained from your local supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture, Primary Industries Department or a Syngenta representative.

Resistance Management
Large numbers of healthy surviving weeds can be an indication that resistance is developing. Efforts should be made to prevent seed set of the surviving weeds. DO NOT make more than 1 application of a Group J or Group K herbicide with the inhibition of fat acid synthesis mode of action to a crop in the same season, excluding use of a split application at planting as per directions for use.
If the user suspects that the target weed population is resistant to herbicides with this mode of action, BOXER GOLD or other Group J or Group K herbicides should not be used. Strategies to minimise the risk of herbicide resistance are available. The above recommendations should be incorporated into an Integrated Weed Management (IWM) Program that uses a diverse range of options to manage grass weeds and avoids over reliance on any 1 method of control. Consult your farm chemical supplier, consultant, local Department of Agriculture or Primary Industries, or local Syngenta representative for details.

Tank Mixes
Application of BOXER GOLD at less than 2.5 L/ha when tank mixing for Annual Ryegrass control WILL NOT be effective in the control of Group D resistant populations nor to delay the onset of herbicide resistance development. Tank mixing of herbicides is only effective in managing resistance where a lethal dose rate of each herbicide is applied. Whilst a tank mixture of 2 herbicides of differing modes of action at sub-lethal dose rates may still provide a high level of weed control, the risk of developing resistance to multiple modes of action is increased. Tank mixtures of BOXER GOLD with trifluralin are only recommended where targeting additional weed species, on sandy soils where soil moisture is limiting or where product movement into the seeding zone poses a crop safety risk.

Registered for culturesRateBBCH
Spring barley1.25 - 2.5 l25
Winter barley1.25 - 2.5 l25
Winter wheat1.25 - 2.5 l25
Spring wheat1.25 - 2.5 l25
Potatoes4 - 5 l0
Beans2.5 l0
Peas2.5 l0
Lentils2.5 l0
Lupines2.5 l0