
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

For the control of climbing buckwheat, common sowthistle, skeleton weed, capeweed, doublegee and other broadleaf weeds in winter cereals and linseed crops.

Conquest Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide can be mixed with water only. Mix only sufficient chemical for each days use and avoid storing mix. Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required quantity of Conquest Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide and complete filling. Agitate continuously to ensure thorough mixing before and during application.
Tank Mixture: Wettable powder or dry flowable formulation (eg. Water dispersible granules) should be added to the spray tank first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowables), water soluble salts and then emulsifiable concentrate formulations (eg. Starane®200). Add spraying oils and surfactants (wetters) last, if required.

Ground Application (Boom)
Apply Conquest Buckwheat Cereal Herbicide with an accurately calibrated boom sprayer, in at least 50L/ha water. Flat fan nozzles are recommended using pressures in the range 200 to 300 kPa. Set the boom at a height to ensure a double overlap of the nozzle pattern.

Aerial Application
Apply in a minimum volume of 35 L/ha water. Use equipment calibrated to produce droplets with an average diameter (Volume Mean Diameter) of 200 – 250 microns. DO NOT apply when the temperature is above 30°C, when there is no wind or when the wind is blowing towards susceptible crops.

Registered for culturesRate
Spring barley0.6 - 1 l
Winter barley0.6 - 1 l
Canary grass0.6 - 1 l
Spring oats0.6 - 1 l
Winter oats0.6 - 1 l
Winter triticale0.6 - 1 l
Spring triticale0.6 - 1 l
Winter wheat0.6 - 1 l
Spring wheat0.6 - 1 l
Winter flax670 - 840 ml
Spring flax670 - 840 ml