Clopyralid 300 SL

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MIXING: Half fill the spray tank with water and add the required quantity of OzCrop Clopyralid 300 SL Herbicide. Complete filling and agitate continuously for thorough mixing before and during application. Only mix sufficient chemical for each day’s work. For tank mixtures, add wettable powder or dry flowable formulations first, followed by suspension concentrates (flowables), aqueous concentrates (OzCrop Clopyralid 300 SL Herbicide), and emulsifiable concentrate formulations (e.g., Verdict† or LVE MCPA).

COMPATIBILITY: OzCrop Clopyralid 300 SL Herbicide is compatible with various herbicides including Starane†, metsulfuron-methyl, bromoxynil, chlorsulfuron, diuron, glyphosate, MCPA amine, MCPA LVE, paraquat, paraquat/diquat, terbutryn, 2,4-D amine. Compatibility with grass herbicides varies in cereal and broadleaf crops.

APPLICATIONS: DO NOT apply by air or mister within a Chemical Control Area in Victoria without a permit. DO NOT apply by air in tank mixtures with diuron. Boom Spraying Plantation Trees: Use an accurately calibrated ground rig or aircraft. Deliver 200 to 300 micron droplets, not less than 50 L/ha for boom sprayers or 20 L/ha for aerial application. Adjust spray volumes for specific plants like Hardhead Thistle and Silver Wattle.

Boom Spraying Crop and Pastures: Apply with calibrated ground rig or aircraft. Deliver 200 to 300 micron droplets, not less than 50 L/ha for boom sprayers or 20 L/ha for aerial applications. Adjust spray volumes for specific plants.

High Volume Hand Gun: Apply the recommended mix with full coverage of leaves and stems through a No. 6-8 tip at 700 to 1500 kPa. Adjust spray volume based on infestation density.

CLEANING SPRAY EQUIPMENT: Rinse water should be discharged onto a designated disposal area or unused land away from desirable plants and water courses. Partial Cleaning (Before spraying other labeled or tolerant crops): After using OzCrop Clopyralid 300 SL Herbicide, empty the tank completely. Wash inside the tank with a pressure hose and rinse the system. Repeat the rinsing procedure twice. Complete Cleaning (Before spraying susceptible crops): Follow the steps for partial cleaning. Add a liquid detergent (e.g., Surf†, Omo†, Drive†) at 500 mL/100 L water and circulate for at least fifteen minutes. Drain, remove filters and nozzles, and clean separately. Rinse the tank thoroughly using a pressure hose and flush the system with clean water.

RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING: OzCrop Clopyralid 300 SL Herbicide is a Group I herbicide in the Pyridines group. Resistance may occur in weed biotypes, and control is not guaranteed if herbicides are used repeatedly. OzCrop Pty Ltd is not liable for losses resulting from the failure of OzCrop Clopyralid 300 SL Herbicide to control resistant weeds.

PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE, AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS: Susceptible crops should be protected from spray drift. Do not apply under conditions that may cause spray to drift onto nearby susceptible plants/crops, cropping lands, or pastures.

PLANT BACK PERIODS: Residues in treated crop straw can affect subsequent susceptible crops. Plant back periods vary based on application rates.

PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK: Do not graze or cut treated crops for stock food except as specified under withholding periods.

Registered for culturesRate
Spring barley0 l
Winter barley0 l
Spring oats0 l
Winter oats0 l
Winter triticale0 l
Spring triticale0 l
Winter wheat0 l
Spring wheat0 l
Canola0.1 - 0.3 l
Pasture0 l