Corsair Dry 750 SG

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Registration number
Active materials

For the control of a wide range of broad leaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola, pastures and fallow land.

Measure the required quantity of granules by weighing on scales. Conquesl Corsair Dry 750 SG Herbicide granules are highly soluble in water and will dissolve rapidly once added to fast moving water. Maintain agitafion at all fimes, including during mixing as well as spraying.

Conventional Canola: Conquest Corsair Dry 750 SG Herbicide+ Recon '520 +Uptake Spraying Oil are compatible and selective. Triazine Tolerant Canola: Atrazine +Conquest Corsair Dry 750 SG Herbicide+ Recon 520 +Uptake Spraying Oil or Powersurge Spraying Adjuvant are compatible and selective. Clearfield Canola: On Duty+ Conquest Corsair Dry 750 SG Herbicide are compatible and selective.
Conquest Corsair Dry 750 SG Herbicide is compatible with the following:
BROADLEAF HERBICIDES: Fluroxypyr, Metsulfuron methyl, bromoxynil, bromoxynii/MCPA LVE 500, chlorsulfuron, diuron, glyphosate, MCPA amine, MCPA LVE 500, paraquat, Paraquat/Diqual, terbutryn, 2,4-D amine, Broadstrike, Eclipse, Eclipse/MCPA LVE 500, Metsulfuron methyi/MCPA LVE 500, T riclopyr 600, atrazine, simazine, Tordon 242, Tigrex
GRASS HERBICIDES ON BROADLEAF CROPS: Recon 520 Herbicide, Clethodim 240, OnDuty, atrazine, simazine
GRASS HERBICIDES IN CEREAL CROPS: Diclofop methyl, Tralkoxydim WG, Wildcat, Topik 240EC, Tristar.
ADJUVANTS: Uptake Spraying Oil, 88·1000

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Winter wheat20 - 240 g70
Winter barley20 - 240 g70
Winter triticale20 - 240 g70
Winter rye20 - 240 g70
Winter oats20 - 240 g70
Canola40 - 240 g84
Pasture20 - 1600 g7
Fallow20 - 1600 g