Cut N Dry

Grow Choice
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This product effectively controls organo-phosphate tolerant strains of insects. It remains chemically stable, with high temperatures having no degrading effect. Protection for up to twelve months is achievable, provided there is no excess moisture.

Treating Grain: Satisfactory mixing is achieved by adding this product to grain as it moves through an auger. During mixing, gradually and constantly add the dust, ensuring the correct rate is applied. When applied as a slurry (paddy rice only), evenly spray at a rate of 3.3 litres/tonne over a moving grain stream and mix in a paddle mixer or transfer auger. The flow rate of treated grain may be slower, so machinery calibration, especially seed drills, should be checked.

Applying to Header Harvesters: Distribute the product at specific locations on the header harvester:

  • Comb: 400g
  • Riddles: 400g
  • Front Elevator: 100g
  • Bulk Bin: 100g
  • Drum and Dispatch Concave: 600g
  • Screen: 200g
  • Straw Walkers: 400g
  • Auger: 100g Additionally, distribute 200g over parts of the machine not fully covered, paying attention to augers and elevators. A garden puffer or venturi blower provides effective distribution.

Compatibility: Cut 'N Dry is generally compatible with most seed dressings. However, avoid applying it in conjunction with other chemicals, unless proven compatible treatments are known, as performance may be adversely affected.

PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS, AND ENVIRONMENT: Avoid contaminating streams, rivers, or waterways with the chemical or used containers.


For Multi-walled Paper Bags or Foil-lined Paper Bags:

  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store in the closed, original container in a dry, cool, well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight.
  • Dispose of undiluted chemicals properly. Puncture or shred empty bags and bury them in a landfill.

For HDPE Pails:

  • Keep out of reach of children.
  • Store in the closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight.
  • Rinse containers before disposal. Dispose of undiluted chemicals properly.


  • Avoid inhaling dust.
  • When using the product, wear goggles and a disposable respirator.