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Active materials


MIXING: SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. For ground or aircraft application with water, Cyhella mixes readily with hard or soft water. Add the required quantity of product to water while under agitation to ensure thorough mixing. Agitate while spraying. It is not advisable to allow the mixed solution to stand longer than 24 hours before use. In extremely alkaline water (pH 9), spray immediately after mixing. For ULV (Ultra Low Volume) application with oil, it is recommended that Cyhella is mixed with a mineral spraying oil. See compatibility section for a list of recommended mineral spraying oils. Add the required quantity of product to oil while under agitation to ensure thorough mixing. Agitate while spraying. It is not advisable to allow the mixed solution to stand longer than 24 hours before use.

APPLICATION: Good coverage is essential to ensure adequate control. The product may be applied by ground rig or aircraft. Acceptable threshold values for eggs and larval numbers may vary according to the stage of the crop development and the pest management program undertaken. Alternative higher thresholds may be acceptable under certain circumstances. Diluted with water: For ground rigs, the volume of liquid applied should be 50 to 100 L/ha. Aerial application should be under conditions normally suitable for water-based insecticides. Apply in at least 10 to 20 litres of water per hectare. Mixed with oil: Apply the recommended rate of Cyhella bulked with oil to a total volume of 3 to 5 L/ha for cotton, sorghum, and sunflowers. The total volume for all other crops should be 1.5 litres per hectare.

TIMING: This product is a contact and residual insecticide. Best results will be obtained if Cyhella is applied as a protective treatment at regular intervals. However, if spraying frequency is based on scouting, then for Helicoverpa spp, application at egg hatch will give optimum results.

CROP CHECKING: Frequent and thorough checking of whole plants, terminals, squares, flowers, bolls, or fruiting bodies as required should be made over a random sample of plants, representative of the whole crop area. Inspect crops after spraying to ensure a thorough kill has been obtained; however, note that maximum kill may not be achieved until 48 hours after treatment. Then check at frequent intervals, not more than 2 days apart when insect pressure is heavy. Apply the recommended treatment as soon as a crop check indicates spraying is necessary.

COMPATIBILITY: This product, when applied as a water-based spray, is compatible with the following actives: pirimophos methyl, procymidone, fluazifop-P-butyl, paraquat, pirimicarb, paraquat plus diquat, and glyphosate.

Resistance Warning:

For insecticide resistance management, Cyhella is a Group 3A insecticide. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes resistant to Cyhella and other Group 3A insecticides may exist through normal genetic variability in any insect population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the insect population if Cyhella or other Group 3A insecticides are used repeatedly. The effectiveness of Cyhella on resistant individuals could be significantly reduced. Since the occurrence of resistant individuals is difficult to detect prior to use, the proprietors and distributors of Cyhella accept no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Cyhella to control insects. Cyhella may be subject to specific resistance management strategies. For further information, contact your local supplier, FMC Australia Pty Ltd representative, or local agricultural department agronomist. Helicoverpa armigera (Heliothis) resistance in Nth NSW and Qld: To help contain pyrethroid resistance in H. armigera, the Summer Crop Insecticide Strategy as developed by AIRAC, Qld Department of Primary Industries, and the NSW Department of Agriculture and Fisheries should be adhered to. Failure to observe the strategy may result in widespread resistance affecting the future viability of summer cropping.


PRECAUTION: Human flagging is not supported unless flaggers are protected by engineering controls such as vehicles with cabs. RE-ENTRY PERIOD: Do not allow entry into treated fields/crops until the spray has dried. If prior entry is necessary, wear cotton overalls and chemical-resistant gloves.


PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH CRUSTACEANS AND ENVIRONMENT: Dangerous to fish and aquatic organisms. DO NOT contaminate streams, rivers, or waterways with the product or the used containers. Tailwaters which flow from treated areas should be prevented from entering river systems. A strategy to minimize spray drift should be employed at all times when aerially applying sprays near sensitive areas. Such a strategy is illustrated by the cotton industry’s Best Management Practice Manual. PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK: Toxic to bees. DO NOT spray when bees are actively foraging. Risk is reduced by spraying in the early morning or late evening. SMALL SPILL MANAGEMENT: Wear protective equipment (see safety directions). Apply absorbent material such as earth, clay granules, or cat clumping litter to the spill. Sweep up the material for disposal when absorption is completed and contain in a refuse vessel for disposal (See Storage and Disposal). If necessary, wash the spill area with an alkaline detergent and water and absorb, as above, the wash liquid for disposal.

Registered for culturesRate
Sunflowers60 - 70 ml
Sorghum60 - 70 ml
Soybeans60 - 70 ml
Lupines0 ml
Pasture0 ml
Potatoes0 ml
Cotton60 - 85 ml
Lentils0 ml
Chickpeas0 ml
Canola9 - 36 ml
Cauliflower0 ml
Cabbages0 ml
Brussels sprouts0 ml
Broccoli0 ml
Winter wheat12 - 40 ml
Spring wheat12 - 40 ml
Winter barley12 - 40 ml
Spring barley12 - 40 ml