DI-Par 250

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Di-Par 250 is a selective herbicide that is used to control a wide range of annual grass and broadleaf weeds in a variety of crops, including wheat, barley, sorghum, maize, and rice. It is a Group L herbicide that works by inhibiting cell division in plants. Di-Par 250 is formulated as a wettable powder (WP) and is available in 1 kg packs.

Key features of Di-Par 250:

  • Effective against a wide range of weeds: Di-Par 250 controls a wide range of annual grass and broadleaf weeds, including:

    • Annual grass weeds: barnyardgrass, bromegrass, foxtail, green foxtail, Italian ryegrass, perennial ryegrass, poa annua

    • Broadleaf weeds: broadleaf plantains, dandelion, dock, shepherd’s purse, wild mustard, wild oats.

  • Controllable by ground sprayers: Di-Par 250 is applied using ground sprayers.

  • Can be used in both pre-emergent and post-emergent applications: Di-Par 250 can be used in both pre-emergent and post-emergent applications.

  • Contains non-ionic wetter: Di-Par 250 contains a non-ionic wetter that helps the herbicide to adhere to the leaves of weeds.

Application guidelines for Di-Par 250:

  • Pre-emergent application: Di-Par 250 can be applied pre-emergent to control annual grass and broadleaf weeds that are present in the soil at the time of application.

  • Post-emergent application: Di-Par 250 can be applied post-emergent to control annual grass and broadleaf weeds that have already emerged.

Effectiveness of Di-Par 250:

  • Annual grass weeds: Di-Par 250 controls a wide range of annual grass weeds, including:

  • Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli)

  • Bromegrass (Bromus rigidus)

  • Foxtail (Setaria sp.)

  • Green foxtail (Setaria glauca)

  • Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

  • Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

  • Poa annua (Poa annua)

  • Broadleaf weed: Di-Par 250 controls a wide range of broadleaf weeds, including:

  • Broadleaf plantains (Plantago major)

  • Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

  • Docks (Rumex sp.)

  • Shepherd’s Purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris)

  • Wild Mustard (Sinapis arvensis)

  • Wild Oats (Avena fatua)

Crop tolerance:

Di-Par 250 is selective for a variety of crops, including:

  • Cereal crops: Wheat, Barley, Sorghum, Maize, Rice
  • Pastures: Grasses, Clovers
  • Non-agricultural areas: Pasture regrowth, roadsides, industrial areas

Application rates:

The application rate of Di-Par 250 will vary depending on the type of weed, the crop being treated, and the soil conditions. It is important to read the label carefully before applying Di-Par 250 to ensure that you are using the correct rate.

Application timing:

Di-Par 250 should be applied when weeds are actively growing, but before they reach the flowering stage.


Di-Par 250 should not be applied when the wind is blowing or when the temperature is above 25°C.

Safety precautions:

Di-Par 250 is a hazardous substance and should be handled with care. It is important to read the label carefully before using Di-Par 250 and to follow all safety precautions.

**Overall, Di-Par 250 is a valuable tool for controlling annual grass and broadleaf weeds in a variety of crops and non-agricultural areas. It is a selective herbicide that is effective against a wide range of weeds and is relatively safe for use on crops and other desirable plants.