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Diplomat Insecticide - Application Instructions

General Instructions: Diplomat Insecticide is intended for application through suitably calibrated spray equipment. Achieving thorough coverage of the crop is crucial for optimal results. Follow the application directions provided below for different methods:

Aerial Application:

  • Employ a strategy to minimize spray drift, following the cotton industry's Best Management Practice Manual.
  • Avoid low volume (LV) application using fine sprays (VMD <200 microns) if natural watercourses or wetlands are downwind within 500 meters. For ultra-low volume (ULV) applications (VMD <120 microns), extend the buffer to 800 meters.
  • Refrain from air application using large droplet placement (LDP) techniques if natural watercourses or wetlands are downwind within 300 meters.

Large Droplet Placement (LDP):

  • Choose orifice hydraulic nozzles generating droplet diameters (VMD) greater than 250 microns (e.g., 8010, D8-46, CP straight stream).
  • Apply with a minimum water volume of 30L/ha.
  • Ensure nozzles are directed backward parallel to the airflow.
  • Ensure boom lengths are 70% or less than the aircraft wingspan.
  • Apply when wind speed is less than 15kph (8 knots).

Low Volume (LV):

  • Use nozzle configurations producing droplets with a target volume median diameter (VMD) of 150-200 microns.
  • Apply a minimum spray volume of 20L/ha.

Ultra-Low Volume (ULV):

  • Utilize appropriate nozzles (e.g., Micronair AU5000) to produce droplets with a VMD of not less than 100 microns.
  • Apply in a total volume (product + oil carrier) of no less than 5L/ha.
  • Use D-C Tron Cotton Oil (or similar) as the carrier.

Ground-Rig Application:

  • Apply a minimum spray volume of 50L/ha.
  • Use nozzle configurations producing droplets with a VMD of 150-250 microns.
  • Refer to the Cotton industry's Best Management Practice Manual or the CRDC Spray Application Guide for Groundrig for best practice advice.


  • Rain within 6 hours of spraying can reduce insect control. Avoid making applications when rain is expected within this timeframe.

Compatibility: Diplomat Insecticide is compatible with various insecticides and chemicals, including amitraz, beta-cyfluthrin, bifenthrin, Bacillus thuringiensis, deltamethrin, endosulfan, lambda-cyhalothrin, methomyl, mepiquat chloride, and thiodicarb.


  • No manual flaggers for aerial spraying unless protected by engineering controls.

Re-entry Period:

  • Restrict entry into treated areas for 24 hours post-treatment. If entry is necessary, wear cotton overalls buttoned to the neck and wrist, and elbow-length PVC gloves. Launder clothing after each day's use.
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