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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS Apparent Imazing Herbicide is for use in Imidazolinone-tolerant wheat, Imidazolinone-tolerant barley, and Imidazolinone-tolerant canola. Varieties with Imidazolinone-tolerance technology are those that have been bred specifically to be tolerant to Apparent Imazing Herbicide.

Apparent Imazing Herbicide is absorbed through the leaves, green stems, and roots of susceptible weeds and moved from the point of contact throughout the plant. Weeds will either die or will remain stunted and will not compete with the crop. Symptoms of kill may take one to two weeks to develop with death occurring up to one month from treatment. Symptoms first appear at the growth points where young foliage becomes discolored and distorted before dying. Apparent Imazing Herbicide is primarily a post-emergence product. Best results will be achieved when good contact and coverage of weeds occur, and weeds are actively growing. The product must be mixed with Hasten or Kwickin according to the Directions for Use.

Apparent Imazing Herbicide also has some residual soil activity under good soil moisture conditions. Residual effects on weeds can be reduced when dry soil conditions follow application before the herbicide has moved to the root zone. Best results will be achieved when the application is made to moist soil or if approximately 10mm rain follows within several days of application. Vigorous crop growth will assist in suppressing weeds not completely killed and those germinating later.

MIXING Apparent Imazing Herbicide is a water-soluble liquid (SL) formulation. Pour the required amount of the product into a spray tank containing almost the total amount of water required. Mix thoroughly. If Apparent Imazing Herbicide is added during filling, foaming may occur. If excessive foaming becomes a problem, add a silicone-based antifoaming agent at the manufacturer's recommended rate. Do NOT use a suction probe unless the antifoaming agent has already been added to the spray tank water. Consult your distributor for specific information on suitable antifoaming agents. When tank mixing this product with other recommended compatible products, first add the other product(s) to the tank and mix thoroughly before adding Apparent Imazing Herbicide. Apparent Imazing Herbicide may be applied in hard or soft water. The product is corrosive to mild steel. Use ONLY stainless steel, fiberglass, plastic, or plastic-lined containers for mixing, storage, and application.

APPLICATION DO NOT apply by aircraft. Apply in minimum 70L water per hectare. When the crop is very leafy or when the total weed population exceeds 200 plants/m2, apply in a minimum of 100L water per hectare to improve contact and coverage. Apparent Imazing Herbicide should be applied a minimum of two hours before rainfall or irrigation. If tank-mixed with other products, follow recommendations for the mixing partner should these extend beyond two hours.

EQUIPMENT CLEAN-UP Thoroughly flush all spray equipment with water following the use of Apparent Imazing Herbicide and before use with other products. If tank-mixed with other products, also follow clean-up procedures recommended for the mixing partner.

COMPATIBILITY Apparent Imazing Herbicide is chemically compatible with Apparent Annihilate 100 Duo Insecticide and Omethoate 290 Insecticide. It is also chemically and biologically compatible with Apparent Clopyralid 750 SG Herbicide, Apparent LVE MCPA 570 Herbicide, Apparent MCPA 750 Herbicide, Apparent Bromoxynil 200 Herbicide, Apparent Bromoxynil + MCPA Selective Herbicide, and Apparent Tralkoxydim 400 WG Herbicide and chemically compatible with Clethodim 240 Herbicide. DO NOT tank mix with foliar fertilizers. All tank mixes are chemically stable over a 24-hour period. In the event of delayed spraying, store tank load out of direct sunlight and maintain agitation if possible. Mixes with Apparent Clopyralid 750 SG Herbicide are also biologically stable over a 24-hour delay. Biological stability of other mixes is unknown. Mixes with Lontrel Advanced Herbicide in Imidazolinone-tolerant wheat and Imidazolinone-tolerant barley Tank mixes with Lontrel Advanced Herbicide at 150mL/ha will provide control of composite and legume weeds. Refer to Lontrel Advanced Herbicide label.

Mixes with 570g/L MCPA formulations, e.g., Apparent LVE MCPA 570 Herbicide in Imidazolinone-tolerant wheat and Imidazolinone-tolerant barley

Tank mixes with 570g/L MCPA formulations, e.g., Apparent LVE MCPA 570 Herbicide at 500mL/ha will provide control of composite and brassicaceous weeds. Refer to Apparent LVE MCPA 570 Herbicide label.

Mixes with Lontrel Advanced Herbicide in Imidazolinone-tolerant canola

Lontrel Advanced Herbicide aids in the control of legume and composite weed species, such as Annual Medics (Medicago spp), Capeweed (Arctotheca calendula), Chickpea (Cicer arietinum), Faba bean (Vicia faba), Field pea (Pisum sativum), Lentil (Lens culinaris), Narrow-leaf lupin (Lupinus angustifolius). Use rates above 150mL/ha when these weeds are primary weeds in the paddock and when required by their growth stage. Lontrel Advanced Herbicide above 150mL/ha can slightly impair grass control. For Chickpea, Faba bean, Lentil: If targeting Chickpeas and Lentils up to 6 leaf stage and Faba beans up to 4 leaf stage, use a tank mix of Apparent Imazing Herbicide with 250mL/ha Lontrel Advanced Herbicide. The addition of Lontrel Advanced Herbicide does not affect the control of other weeds controlled by Apparent Imazing Herbicide. Refer to the Lontrel Advanced Herbicide label.


A detailed program has been developed that outlines sound agronomic and integrated weed management practices, designed to optimize the performance of Imidazolinone-tolerance systems and minimize the potential for the development of herbicide resistance in weed populations. Consultation on BMP should be undertaken with an Imidazolinone-tolerant accredited agronomist prior to use of Apparent Imazing Herbicide in the Imidazolinone-tolerance systems for wheat, barley, and canola. Implementation of the BMP is an essential part of herbicide resistance management.


This product may, in some circumstances, lead to transient crop yellowing and temporary slowing of growth of Imidazolinone-tolerant wheat, Imidazolinone-tolerant barley, and Imidazolinone-tolerant canola but plants soon recover and yield is unaffected. This effect may be more pronounced when the product is used under poor growth conditions. The Imidazolinone-tolerant wheat varieties CL STL and CL JNZ have limited tolerance to Apparent Imazing Herbicide. Application of Apparent Imazing Herbicide to these wheat varieties can cause unacceptable injury especially under cold, wet conditions. Apparent Imazing Herbicide should not be used on these varieties. DO NOT use this product on any canola variety other than certified varieties with Imidazolinone-tolerance technology. Extreme crop damage and/or death will result to conventional and other herbicide-tolerant wheat and canola varieties.


This product is broken down in the soil by microbes in wet, aerobic conditions. Under conditions that do not favor breakdown, carry-over soil residues can affect susceptible follow crops. Normally safe residue levels may still affect follow crops when soil nutrition is low or marginal, when cold and very wet soil conditions prevail, or when soil pathogens or nematodes are present. As environmental and agronomic factors make it impossible to eliminate all risks associated with this product, rotational crop injury is always possible.