Imida 600

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Registration number
Active materials

For the control of various insect pests in a range of crops and the prevention of spread of barley yellow dwarf virus in cereal crops.

Mixing and seed treatment
Prior to pouring or pumping Conquest lmida 600 from the container, either shake the container vigorously or operate pump by-pass to ensure thorough mixing of the contents. Flowable formulations will settle over time. Add most of the water into the mixing vat, followed by flowable fungicides (eg quintozene), coating agents (eg Peridam, Nancret) and Conquest lmida 600 and stir until homogeneous. Then add the emulsifiable liquid fungicide (e.g. Apron 200SL) slowly whilst stirring. Calibrate commercial seed dressing equipment to ensure the seed throughput is mixed with the correct dose of slurry seed dressing. Ensure the seed dressing mixture is applied to the maximum number of seeds when initially applied to the seed. Retain seed in mixing chamber until coverage on seed is good. Store treated seed under cover in cool, dry conditions. Do not treat seed with poor viability. Do not store treated seed near foodstuffs or where likely to prove hazardous to humans or animals.

Forage and seed pasture, canola, forage brassicas, lupin, summer crops
Mixing and seed treatment
Prior to pouring, shake container vigorously, then add the required quantity of Conquest lmida 600 to sufficient water to give even coverage of the seed to be treated. Place seed in mixing equipment and rotate. Mix Conquest lmmi600 with sufficient water to give even coverage of seed and spray onto seed. For small seeds, apply a total volume of Conquest lmida 600 plus water of 1.5 U1 OOkg seed. For large seeds, apply a total volume of Conquest lmida 600 plus water of 500 mU100kg seed. Continue rotation until all liquid is distributed on seed. Store treated seed under cover in cool, dry conditions. Do not treat seed with poor viability. Do not store treated seed near foodstuffs or where likely to prove hazardous to humans or animals. Do not carry over maize, sorghum, sunflower or sweet corn seed from one season to the next season. The insecticidal activity of Conquest lmida 600 on the seed is maintained for a minimum of two seasons. Flow rate: Conquest lmida 600 treated seed may slow flow rate of seed. Check flow rate of seed through sowing machinery before sowing to ensure the desired seeding rate is achieved.

Cereal crops
Mixing and seed treatment
Prior to pouring, shake container vigorously, then add the required quantity of Conquest lmida 600 to sufficient water to give even coverage of the cereal seed to be treated. The quantity of water used for mixing will vary depending on type of equipment and quantity of seed. Use a minimum of 400 mL of mixture (product+ water) with each 100 kg of seed. Whatever dilution is used it is essential that 120 mL or (240 mL) of Conquest lmida 600 is applied/100 kg seed. The mixture should be gently stirred regularly.

Conquest lmida 600 Flowable Seed Treatment Insecticide is compatible with Baytan C Flowable Seed Dressing and Raxil C Flowable Seed Dressing for use on cereal seeds. Do not use more than 600 mL of total mixture /100 kg seed (i.e. Conquest lmida 600 plus Baytan or Raxil plus water). Conquest lmida 600 Flowable Seed Treatment Insecticide may be applied with Jockey Systemic Seed Fungicide or with Semevin P Seed Dressing Insecticide.

Registered for culturesPreharvest Interval
Sweet corn
Winter rape
Spring rape
Winter wheat
Spring wheat
Spring barley
Winter barley
Spring oats
Winter oats
Winter rye
Spring rye
Winter triticale
Spring triticale