Imidacloprid 600 SC
- Manufacturer
- Shandong Rainbow International
- Category
- Insecticides
- Registered until
- 2025-06-29
- Registration number
- 66508
- Active materials
- imidacloprid600 g/l
- Links
- LabelView
General Instructions: Cotton
Mixing and Seed Treatment:
Prior to pouring, vigorously shake the container or operate the pump bypass to ensure thorough mixing.
For flowable formulations, add most of the water into the mixing vat first, followed by fungicides and coating agents, then Rainbow Imidacloprid. Stir until homogeneous.
Slowly add emulsifiable liquid fungicides while stirring. Calibrate commercial seed dressing equipment for correct seed throughput and dose.
Ensure even coverage of seeds with the slurry seed dressing. Store treated seed in cool, dry conditions away from foodstuffs or hazards.
Forage and Seed Pasture, Canola, Forage Brassicas, Lupins, Summer Crops:
Shake container vigorously before pouring. Mix Rainbow Imidacloprid with sufficient water for even seed coverage.
Apply specified volumes of the mixture onto seeds, rotating until evenly distributed.
Store treated seed in cool, dry conditions away from foodstuffs or hazards. Check seed flow rate before sowing.
Cereal Crops:
Shake container vigorously before pouring. Mix Rainbow Imidacloprid with water for even seed coverage.
Apply the mixture onto cereal seeds, ensuring thorough coverage.
Store treated seed in cool, dry conditions away from foodstuffs or hazards. Check seed flow rate before sowing.
Seed Quality:
Do not use Rainbow Imidacloprid on seed with more than 12% moisture or poor viability.
Conduct a germination test on the seed before treatment if in doubt.
Treated seed may experience a slight moisture increase, but it will not affect storage life.
Rainbow Imidacloprid is compatible with specific insecticides for cereal seeds. Do not exceed specified total mixture amounts per 100 kg of seed.
Storage of Treated Seed:
Keep treated seed separate from other grain and clearly marked. Do not use treated seed for human or animal consumption.
Ensure treated seed bags or containers are not used for other purposes.
Treated seed must not be used for animal consumption or mixed with animal feed.
Prevent contamination of ponds, watercourses, and drains with treated seed or containers.
Clean up any spillages immediately and dispose of treated seeds appropriately to prevent access by wildlife.
Registered for cultures |
Canola |
Sweet corn |
Sunflowers |
Sorghum |
Corn |
Cotton |