Indoxacarb 150 EC

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Imtrade Indoxacarb 150 EC Insecticide is an emulsifiable concentrate formulation designed for use in Integrated Pest Management schemes. It targets larvae primarily by ingestion of treated foliage or through penetration of the insect cuticle. After ingesting indoxacarb, larvae cease feeding and die within three to five days. It does not provide traditional larval ‘knockdown’ control but offers superior foliage, flower, and pod protection in Chickpea, Faba Beans, Mungbeans, or Soybeans.


Before application, careful field monitoring of pest populations of eggs and larvae should be conducted to determine the need for application and the correct timing. For Helicoverpa species, spray applications should coincide with egg hatching and before larvae become entrenched in protected feeding sites.


  • Ground Application: Apply as a blanket or banded spray to all crops with thorough coverage on foliage using appropriate fan nozzles. Maintain a minimum spray volume of 100L/ha and keep the boom low to avoid drift. Higher pressure should not be used as it may increase drift potential without improving canopy penetration. If higher flow rates are needed, use higher-capacity nozzles instead of increasing pressure.

  • Aerial Application: Use only aircraft with accurately calibrated equipment. Apply a minimum total spray volume of 30L/ha with nozzles set to medium spray quality. A spray drift minimization strategy should always be employed.


Use only clean water. Half fill the spray tank with water, add the appropriate amount of Imtrade Indoxacarb 150 EC Insecticide directly to the spray tank, agitate, then fill the tank completely. Thoroughly mix and continue mechanical or hydraulic agitation.


Use the prepared spray immediately. If unforeseen conditions prevent immediate use, the mix may be stored up to 72 hours. Before use, thoroughly agitate the spray mix until fully resuspended.


Immediately after application, thoroughly clean all spray equipment to reduce the risk of difficult-to-remove deposits forming. Drain spray equipment into a disposal pit designed for this purpose and thoroughly rinse all components with clean water.


Imtrade Indoxacarb 150 EC Insecticide is not compatible with ultra-low volume (ULV) formulations or certain foliar fertilizers. It is recommended to pre-mix a small quantity of the desired tank mix to observe any adverse changes before mixing commercial quantities. Follow all directions and restrictions on the label when mixing with other chemicals.

For detailed mixing guidelines, refer to the instructions available on the Imtrade website. Changes in climatic conditions can alter the sensitivity of plants to spray mixtures, and Imtrade Australia Pty Ltd cannot be held responsible for such behavior.

Registered for culturesRate
Soybeans0.2 - 0.4 l
Chickpeas0.3 l