Kresta Strobilurin 500 WG

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General Instructions:

Fungicide Resistance Warning: EuroChem KRESTA Strobilurin 500 WG Fungicide ("KRESTA 8") is a Group 11 fungicide. Fungal populations may develop resistance to KRESTA and other Group 11 fungicides through natural genetic variability. To manage resistance, limit the number of KRESTA applications to three per season. After two or three consecutive applications of Group 11 fungicides, switch to fungicides from different groups for an equal number of applications before resuming Group 11 fungicide use.

Integrated Pest Management: KRESTA is suitable for use in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs.

Export of Treated Fruit: Check with TGAC Australia Pty Ltd or relevant industry/regulatory authorities for Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) and import tolerances before exporting fruit treated with KRESTA.


  • Ground Application: Use orchard spraying equipment with mechanical or hydraulic agitation to ensure uniform spray coverage of all plant surfaces.

  • Aerial Application: Do NOT apply by aircraft.

Mixing: EuroChem KRESTA Strobilurin 500 WG Fungicide mixes readily with water. Add the required amount directly to the half-filled spray vat with agitation. Complete filling the vat under constant agitation and avoid allowing the mixture to remain in the tank without agitation for extended periods.


  • Dilute Spraying: Use a sprayer designed for high water volumes, achieving even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off, adjusting volume and equipment setup as the crop grows.

  • Concentrate Spraying: Use a sprayer designed for concentrate spraying and adjust the mixing rate based on the dilute spray volume calculated for the crop canopy. Calculate the concentrate rate and adjust equipment setup as the crop grows.

These instructions ensure effective use of EuroChem KRESTA Strobilurin 500 WG Fungicide while minimizing the risk of resistance development and crop damage.

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