Lime Sulphur

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Active materials

Active Ingredient: Calcium polysulphides (equivalent to 22.5% sulphur)

Uses: Lime Sulphur is a broad-spectrum fungicide and insecticide used to control various diseases, insects, and mites on a wide range of crops, including:

  • Fruits: Citrus, pome fruits (apples, pears), stone fruits (peaches, plums), grapes

  • Vegetables: Tomatoes, potatoes, cucurbits (melons, cucumbers)

  • Ornamentals: Roses, flowering shrubs, trees

  • Other: Nuts, berries

Mode of Action: Lime Sulphur works by multiple mechanisms:

  • Fungicidal: It disrupts fungal cell membranes and inhibits spore germination.

  • Insecticidal: It suffocates insects and mites by blocking their respiratory spiracles.

  • Acaricidal: It kills mites by contact.


  • Broad-spectrum control: Effective against a wide range of diseases, insects, and mites.

  • Cost-effective: Relatively inexpensive compared to other fungicides and insecticides.

  • Organic option: Approved for use in organic production systems.

  • Dormant application: Can be used during dormancy for preventative control of some diseases.


  • Strong odor: Has a pungent, unpleasant smell.

  • Phytotoxicity: Can damage plant foliage and fruit if not applied correctly.

  • Environmental concerns: Can be harmful to beneficial insects and aquatic life.

  • Safety concerns: Corrosive and irritating to skin and eyes.

Important Considerations:

  • Always read and follow the label instructions carefully before using Lime Sulphur.

  • Apply only when necessary and at the recommended rates and timings.

  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) during mixing and application.

  • Do not mix with other pesticides unless specifically recommended by the manufacturer.

  • Be aware of the potential for phytotoxicity and environmental risks.


  • Copper fungicides: Less broad-spectrum but generally safer for plants and the environment.

  • Insecticidal soaps: Effective against soft-bodied insects and mites but have limited residual activity.

  • Biological control agents: Can be used in conjunction with or instead of chemical controls.

Disclaimer: I am not a professional horticulturalist and this information is not intended as a substitute for professional advice. Always consult with a qualified expert before using any pesticide, including Lime Sulphur.

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