Macspred Glymac 450

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General Instructions for Macspred Glymac 450 Herbicide:

Weed Control Mechanism:

  • The product is translocated throughout the plant, killing both foliage and roots.
  • Apply when target species are in active growth, under moderate climatic conditions, and free of disease and dirt cover.

Symptoms of Chemical Effect:

  • Symptoms appear 2-7 days after spraying for annual species and 2-3 weeks for perennial species.
  • Symptoms include yellowing, wilting, and progressing to a brown out.

Safety to Crops:

  • The product is non-selective, so avoid contact with foliage, fruit, or green stems of desirable crops, plants, or trees.
  • Guidelines to prevent contact:
    1. Avoid spraying when the wind is blowing towards desirable plants.
    2. Use larger droplet settings during calibration.
    3. Avoid spraying in still air and hot days.

Soil Persistence:

  • The product is rapidly inactivated in the soil, but consider factors such as soil particles and water quality.
  • Sowing can commence one day after spraying in the presence of light unwanted vegetative matter.

Spray Preparation:

  1. Ensure a clean tank, free of residues from previous use.
  2. Half-fill the tank with clean water.
  3. Add the required amount of the product as per the Directions for Use Tables.
  4. Mix well, keeping the filling hose below the surface to avoid foaming.
  5. Add water to fill the vat.
  6. Remove the hose from the tank after filling to prevent back siphoning.
    • Avoid using mechanical agitators, as they cause excessive foaming.
    • Do not add non-approved herbicides and insecticides.


  • Addition of surfactant (Brushwett recommended) may improve weed control, especially with high water rates or low product rates.
  • Do not add spraying oils, agricultural chemicals, or other materials except as directed on the label.

Rainfall Effects:

  • Heavy rain within 2 hours of spraying may wash off the chemical, requiring respraying.
  • Normal rain within 6 hours may reduce effectiveness.
  • Avoid application under stressed conditions like drought, waterlogging, or frost.

Application Equipment:

  • Suitable for various equipment types: Knapsack, Handgun, Boom, Wiper, Aerial.
  • Use appropriate nozzles and pressures for each equipment type.
  • Adjust water volumes based on target species density.

Sprayer Clean-Up:

  • Clean all spray equipment thoroughly with clean water after use to prevent corrosion.
  • Aircraft used in application should be washed thoroughly, paying attention to wheels and landing gear.


  • Compatible with certain additives, herbicides, and insecticides. Refer to the "Directions for Use" section for detailed information on tank mix situations.

Resistance Warning:

  • Member of the glycine group (Group 9 Herbicide).
  • Implement strategies to minimize weed resistance.
  • No liability for losses resulting from the failure to control resistant weeds.

Protection Guidelines:

  • Protect crops, native plants, and non-target areas from spray drift.
  • Avoid application under conditions leading to drift into adjacent areas, wetlands, water bodies, or water courses.
  • Do not spray in temperatures above 30°C.
  • Keep stock away from treated areas.

Storage and Disposal:

  • Store away from fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds.
  • Do not reuse the container, and dispose of properly.