Magnitude 100 EC

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General Instructions

Conquest Magnitude® 100 EC should only be applied with the recommended tank mix herbicide to ensure satisfactory weed efficacy and to assist with control of herbicide-resistant weed populations. It is a pyrazole herbicide primarily with foliar activity. It will not control weeds emerging after spraying. Optimal results are achieved under good spraying conditions, and application to stressed weeds or crops should be avoided.


  1. Half fill the spray tank with clean water and start agitation.

  2. Add Conquest Glocker® 750 and mix thoroughly.

  3. Add Conquest Magnitude® 100 EC.

  4. Add the remaining water.

  5. Add adjuvant near the end of the filling process to minimize foaming.

  6. Maintain adequate agitation during application and use the tank mix promptly.

Adjuvant Always add a recommended Conquest Adjuvant: either Conquest In2 or In2pro at 0.5 L/100L or Conquest Glisarin at 1 L/100L in tank mix with Conquest Magnitude® 100 EC.


  • Use only low boom equipment set up to provide good coverage of weeds within the crop canopy.

  • Apply in water volumes of 50 to 150 L/ha. Higher volumes are required for advanced weeds, heavy weed density, or heavy crop canopy causing shading.

  • Crop Safety: DO NOT apply to crops undersown with legumes or broadleaf pastures. Only apply to wheat and barley. Ensure spray application occurs to actively growing crops within the recommended growth stage.

  • Some crop yellowing, bleaching, necrosis, and reduction in biomass may occur within the first four weeks following application, particularly under environmental stress conditions.

  • Crop Rotation Recommendations: Minimum recropping intervals apply for all crops following application. Areas receiving double rates may show symptoms of damage in sensitive crops. Recropping intervals depend on the rate of product applied.

  • Rainfall/Irrigation: Winter and summer recropping may require a minimum amount of rainfall or irrigation in combination with a set recropping interval. Dry conditions or less than the recommended minimum rainfall can affect recropping intervals.

  • pH: Application to soils with a pH greater than 8.4 (soil in water) is not recommended. Symptoms are reduced on acid soils (pH <6.5 soil in water, pH <6.0 in CaCl2).

Registered for culturesRate
Lupines0.25 l
Lentils0.25 l
Chickpeas0.25 l
Canola0.25 l
Winter triticale0 l
Spring triticale0 l
Winter barley0 l
Spring barley0 l
Winter wheat0 l
Spring wheat0 l