Methomyl 225

Titan AG
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TITAN Methomyl 225 Insecticide is a water miscible liquid to be dissolved in water for spray application. It is most effective when spray schedules are initiated on young insects. The lower rates are used on small larvae and light infestations, the higher rates on larger larvae and heavy infestations. ALWAYS add a non-ionic agricultural wetting agent at a rate of 0.025% of active material. This is 25mL/100L for most wetting agents.


Fill spray tank 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 full of water. Start agitation (using mechanical or hydraulic means, NOT air agitation), add required quantity of TITAN Methomyl 225 Insecticide and continue filling with water. Add non-ionic wetting agents as recommended previously. Continue agitation for several minutes prior to spraying to ensure thorough mixing.


Apply when wind velocity is low, to avoid drift. DO NOT apply as a fog or mist. Proper timing and good coverage is essential for effective insect control.


Apply at the recommended rates when the insects first appear and repeat as needed. Apply the lower rates on small caterpillars and light infestations of insects. Use the higher rates on larger caterpillars and heavier infestations. Best control is obtained when spray schedules are initiated on young insects.


Use these rates only where crops are regularly monitored for eggs and larvae. Use the lower rate when eggs are present. Use the higher rate when heavy egg lays occur and/or when first to second instar larvae are present (up to 5 mm long). If large larvae are present (longer than 5 mm), use the larvicide rates as recommended. This product may be used at ovicidal/larvicidal rates in conjunction with other recommended larvicides used to control other insects.

Ground Application:

Apply as a coarse spray with low pressure ground equipment. Use sufficient water to obtain thorough, uniform coverage.


Dilute Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of runoff and matched to the crop being sprayed.

  • Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off.

  • The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice.

  • Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100L of water. Spray to the point of run-off.

  • The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set-up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows.

Concentrate Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (this is a sprayer, which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run- off) and matched to the crop being sprayed.

  • Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume.

  • Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see Dilute Spraying above) for the crop canopy. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate.

  • The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can the be calculated in the following way:


      1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example 1500L/ha.

      2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example 500L/ha.

      3. The concentration factor in this example is 3X (i.e. 1500L ÷ 500L = 3).

      4. If the dilute label rate is 10mL/100L, then the concentrate rate becomes 3 x 10, that is 30mL/100L of concentrate spray.

  • The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100L of water, and the sprayer set-up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows.

  • For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake appropriate competency training and follow industry Best Practices.

Air Application

For Cotton, Soybeans, Sorghum, Mung beans, Sunflowers, Pastures, Winter cereals and Linseed only: DO NOT use less than 22L/ha water and increase the spray volume according to density of crop and pest pressure. Turn-off spray boom while passing over creeks or dams.

Registered for culturesRate
Chickpeas1.5 - 2 l
Cauliflower0 l
Cabbages0 l
Broccoli0 l
Brussels sprouts0 l
Chinese long beans0 l
Navy beans0 l
Dry broad beans0 l
Apples0 l