
Registered until
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Active materials


Product Composition:

  • MISSILE is a water dispersible granule prepack mixture of cyprodinil and fludioxonil.
  • Cyprodinil is a systemic compound absorbed into the cuticle and waxy layers of leaves and fruit.
  • Fludioxonil is the residual component that stays mainly on leaf and fruit surfaces.


  • Ground Application Only: Ensure thorough coverage of foliage and fruit using equipment delivering a MEDIUM spray quality.
  • Apply the correct amount of MISSILE per hectare irrespective of water application rate.

Dilute Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for high volumes of water up to the point of runoff.
  • Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of runoff, avoiding excessive runoff.
  • Determine the required water volume based on industry guidelines or expert advice.
  • Add the specified amount of product per 100 L of water.

Concentrate Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for concentrate spraying, matched to the crop.
  • Set up to achieve even coverage using your chosen water volume.
  • Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume for the crop canopy to calculate concentrate mixing rate.
  • Calculate concentrate rate based on dilute label rate and concentration factor.
  • Adjust settings as the crop grows. Consult industry guidelines and Best Practices for concentrate spraying.


  • MISSILE is a water dispersible granule (WG) fungicide that mixes readily with water.
  • Partly fill the spray tank with water, start agitation, add the correct amount of product, and continue agitation while topping up with water.
  • Add a non-ionic surfactant at registered rates (if required) at the completion of filling. Continue agitation during spraying.
  • For tank mixing with other WG or WP formulations, ensure they are added and mixed before adding EC or SC products.


  • Compatible with Bugmaster Flowable, Delfin WG, MANZEB, Gusathion, Kelthane, Kocide, CHLORPOS, Polyram DF, Ridomil Gold Plus, Copper + Metalaxyl, Sanmite, Thiovit, Farmalinx Sulfur 800 WG, and Topas.
  • Mixtures with more than one of the above are not recommended. Test mixtures before commercial quantities.
  • May not be compatible with chlorothalonil.


  • MISSILE is both a Group 9 and a Group 12 fungicide (anilinopyrimidine and phenylpyrrole).
  • Resistance may develop in individual fungi through normal genetic variability.
  • Fungi resistant to MISSILE and other Group 9 and Group 12 fungicides may dominate if used repeatedly.
  • Control may be reduced, resulting in yield loss.
  • Incorporate MISSILE into a program with different modes of action fungicides. Alternate or mix fungicides for resistance management.
  • Apply as part of a protective spray program. Do not wait until disease levels build up. Follow CropLife Fungicide Resistance Management Strategies for specific crops.
  • Limit the use of fungicides from any activity group to a maximum of 1/3 of total applications per crop. Apply a maximum of 2 consecutive applications of MISSILE.
Registered for culturesPreharvest Interval