Nufarm Protector 400SC

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Active materials


MIXING: Add the required amount of Protector 400SC directly to the half-filled spray tank with agitators in motion, or with constant mechanical agitation. Complete filling of the spray tank under constant agitation. DO NOT allow the spray mixture to remain in the tank for long periods without agitation.

Application Equipment: NOT to be applied by aircraft.

  • Grapevines: Protector 400SC can be applied using suitable dilute or concentrate ground application equipment, ensuring penetration of the canopy and coverage of flowers or bunches.
  • Strawberries: Protector 400SC can be applied using suitable high or low volume application equipment, ensuring penetration of the canopy and coverage of flowers and/or fruit.
  • Ornamentals: Protector 400SC can be applied using suitable high volume ground or hand-held application equipment, ensuring penetration of the canopy and coverage of foliage and flowers.

Water Volume:

  • Grapevines: Refer to Special Instructions for Grapevines.
  • Strawberries: Use water volumes of 350 to 1000L/ha depending on equipment and crop stage to ensure adequate penetration of the canopy and coverage of foliage, flowers, and/or fruit.
  • Ornamentals: Apply Protector 400SC to the point of "run-off" to ensure adequate penetration of the canopy and coverage of the foliage and flowers.

Special Instructions for Grapevines:

Dilute Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for high spray volumes, up to the point of run-off, and matched to the crop.
  • Set up and operate the sprayer for even coverage throughout the crop canopy.
  • Apply sufficient spray volume to cover the crop to the point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off.
  • Adjust the product amount if more than 1000L/ha is required to ensure no more than 2.0L/ha product is applied.

Concentrate Spraying:

  • Use a sprayer designed for concentrate spraying and matched to the crop.
  • Set up and operate the sprayer for even coverage throughout the crop canopy using the chosen spray volume.
  • Calculate the mixing rate for concentrate spraying based on your chosen spray volume per hectare.

Resistance Management Strategy: Protector 400SC is a Group 9 fungicide. Adhere to CropLife resistance management strategies:

  • Follow specified limitations on the number of sprays containing Group 9 fungicides.
  • Alternate applications of Group 9 fungicides with effective fungicides from other groups.
  • Late-season fungicide treatments should be applied before infection reaches unacceptable levels.

Export of Treated Produce: Check with Nufarm Australia Limited or the Australian Wine Research Institute for the latest information on MRLs and import tolerances BEFORE using Protector 400SC for export.

COMPATIBILITY: Protector 400SC is compatible with most commonly used fungicides and insecticides. DO NOT mix with products exhibiting an alkaline reaction, including lime sulfur and Bordeaux mixtures. Use butyl gloves when mixing with Bayfidan; mixtures with Foli-R-Fos may cause leaf damage.

FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING: GROUP 9 FUNGICIDE. Protector 400SC is a member of the anilinopyrimidine group of fungicides. Follow fungicide resistance management guidelines to prevent the development of resistant fungi. Nufarm Australia Limited accepts no liability for losses resulting from the failure of Protector 400SC to control resistant fungi.

Registered for culturesRate
Grapes0 l
Strawberries2 l