Nufarm Triflur 480

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Active materials


Application Timing: Application must be incorporated into the soil within 4 hours, except for minimum tillage sowing equipment, allowing incorporation up to 24 hours before the sowing process.

Incorporation Table:

  1. Prior to furrowing out: 2 workings at an angle using Offset or Tandem disc harrows.
  2. After furrowing out: 2 workings using Go-Devil discs or Lilliston cultivators at 10 cm depth.
  3. Rotary Hoe: 1 working at 5 - 7.5 cm depth (Sugar Cane: 7.5 - 13 cm depth).
  4. Offset or Tandem Disc Harrows: 2 workings at an angle at 7.5 - 15 cm depth at 6.5 - 10 km/hr.
  5. Heavy Diamond or Stump Jump Harrows: 10 - 13 km/hr speed. Cross work with disc harrows at 7.5-15cm depth at 6.5 - 10 km/hr.
  6. Weighted Heavy Diamond or Stump Jump Harrows: 10 - 13 km/hr. Cross work with combine at 5 - 7.5 cm depth at 10 - 13 km/hr.
  7. Disc Ratoon Cultivator: 2 workings with discs and cultivator at 7.5 - 13 cm depth.
  8. Offset or Tandem Disc Harrows: Set at 7.5 - 15 cm depth. Second discing working in the opposite direction.
  9. Rotary Hoe: 1 working at 5 - 10 cm depth.
  10. Offset Discs (Bumpers): 2 workings at 7.5 - 13 cm depth.
  11. Incorporation by sowing (IBS): Suitably prepared seedbed with heavy diamond harrows or as a separate operation.
  12. Post-sowing/Pre-emergence: Heavy diamond harrows cross working.
  13. Incorporation by Sowing (IBS): Knife or blade points. Use press wheels to avoid dragging treated soil back into the seed furrow.

Mixing: This product, an emulsifiable concentrate, mixes readily with water. Add the recommended amount during the filling operation. Apply 70 - 450 L of water/ha depending on soil type and stubble coverage. Ensure continuous agitation.

Conditions for Best Results: Thorough incorporation is vital. Soil should be well-worked and free of weeds. Effectiveness may be reduced by inadequate incorporation, high organic matter, excess clods, or foreign matter.

Integrated Weed Management: Use Integrated Weed Management techniques alongside Trif 480 for optimal results. Agronomic practices that reduce the weed seed bank will enhance control levels.

Wild Oats: Germinating wild oat seeds on the soil surface will be controlled. Specific control is possible with shallow cultivation, but poor control occurs on self-mulching soils.

Compatibility: Mix this product with various herbicides, insecticides, and products. Conduct a small-scale compatibility test before tank mixing.

Equipment Maintenance and Usage: Keep the spray unit for herbicides only if possible. Rinse tanks, pumps, lines, and nozzles thoroughly with clean water after application. Use Tank & Equipment Cleaner for rinsing and Trifluralin stain removal.

Export of Treated Produce: Check with National Rural Independents Ltd for Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) and import tolerances before exporting edible produce treated with this product.

Registered for culturesRate
Chickpeas1.25 - 1.7 l
Adzuki beans1.2 - 1.7 l
Cowpea1.2 - 1.7 l
Lablab beans1.2 - 1.7 l
Mung beans1.2 - 1.7 l
Kidney beans1.2 - 1.7 l
Pigeon peas1.2 - 1.7 l
Lentils0.8 - 1.25 l
Soybeans1.2 - 2.3 l
Cotton1.2 - 2.3 l
Peanuts1.2 - 1.7 l