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General Instructions for Rygel Oxyfluorfen Herbicide


  • Selective herbicide for controlling certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in various crops, including apples, grapes, peaches, pears, plums, almonds, macadamia, Duboisia, tobacco, coffee, pyrethrum, winter cereals, tropical/subtropical crops, brassicas, onions, Eucalyptus, Pinus spp., and other forestry trees.


  • Apply to weed-free soil or seedling weeds at the 4 to 6 true leaf stage.

  • Ensure thorough coverage for optimal effectiveness.

  • Avoid disturbing or incorporating the herbicide into the soil after application for residual control.

  • Spot treat escape weeds or perennial grasses if necessary with knockdown herbicides.


  • Shake well before use.

  • Fill the spray tank at least one-third full with water.

  • Add Rygel Oxyfluorfen Herbicide while the pump and agitator are running.

  • Add a non-ionic surfactant if required by label directions to minimize foaming.

  • Maintain agitation during mixing and until spraying is completed.

  • When tank mixing with other herbicides, follow label directions and recommended order.

Resistance Warning:

  • Rygel Oxyfluorfen Herbicide belongs to Group G herbicides.

  • Use caution to prevent the development of resistant weed biotypes.

  • Limit usage to avoid potential resistance development.

  • No liability is accepted for failure to control resistant weeds.


  • Apply before weed emergence for residual control.

  • Apply to small seedling weeds up to 4-6 true-leaf stage for post-emergence control.

  • Use cultivation prior to or at planting for final fallow weed control.

Crop Safety:

  • Can be applied around dormant trees and grapevines at specified rates.

  • Consider age and stage of crop growth when determining application rates.

  • Duboisia seedlings and mature plants tolerate "over-the-top" applications.


  • Compatible with glyphosate products (with agitation), oryzalin, paraquat/diquat, diquat, and glufosinate products.


  • Take precautions to avoid spray drift onto nearby water bodies, susceptible plants, cropping lands, or pastures.

  • Use with care in areas frequented by livestock or wildlife.

  • Highly toxic to wildlife and fish; avoid contamination of water bodies.

  • Store and dispose of containers properly according to local regulations.

Registered for culturesRate
Tobacco4 l
Onions0.35 - 0.5 l
Coffee2 - 4 l