Picloram 75-D

Registered until
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Active materials



  • Mix only with water; it will not mix with oil or diesel fuel.

  • Maintain mechanical or by-pass agitation in the spray tank during mixing and spraying.

  • Quarter fill the spray tank and add the required amount of herbicide in the specified order.

  • When tank mixing, add adjuvants only if recommended in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE Tables 1 and 2.


  • Ground Boom:

    • Use accurately calibrated equipment delivering 50-100L water/ha.

    • DO NOT use less than 200L/ha in sugar cane.

    • Use dropper nozzles for maize and sorghum to avoid spraying the crop's growing point.

    • Avoid misting machines and boomjet sprayers for crop treatment.

  • Aircraft:

    • Use accurately calibrated equipment to deliver not less than 20L water/ha.

    • DO NOT use less than 50L/ha in sugar cane.

  • High Volume:

    • Apply with a calibrated handgun, thoroughly wetting the weed.

    • Typically, 2500 – 3500L water/infested ha is required.

  • Stem Injection:

    • Treat trees with good sap flow, making injection cuts at specified spacing.

    • Inject the chemical mix into each cut immediately after making it.

  • Cut Stump:

    • Cut trees close to the ground and apply the chemical mix immediately to the freshly cut surface.

  • Frilling:

    • Make successive overlapping cuts into the sapwood around the entire circumference of the tree base and spray.

  • Injecting Spray into Center of Weed:

    • Inject 1 mL of treatment mix into the growing point of each 2.5cm of the plant stem diameter.


Rainbow Picloram 75-D Herbicide is compatible with several Rainbow products including Atrazine, 2,4-D Amine, Glyphosate, Diquat, Metsulfuron-methyl, and Topik.


  • After using Rainbow Picloram 75-D Herbicide, thoroughly wash and rinse the entire spray unit.

  • To Rinse: Drain the tank and clean tank, pump, lines, and nozzles filters.

  • To Decontaminate: Wash the tank and rinse the system, then circulate an alkali detergent solution through the system for at least 15 minutes. Finally, flush the system with clean water. Avoid using chlorine-based cleaners.

Registered for culturesRate
Corn1 l
Sorghum1 l
Winter barley0.3 l
Spring barley0.3 l
Winter wheat0.3 l
Spring wheat0.3 l