Piricarb WG

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Active materials



Fill the tank 50 to 75% full then start agitation. Slowly pour FARMALINX Piricarb WG Aphicide granules into the tank and maintain agitation throughout spraying. Do NOT pre-mix the granules.


If applying when the temperature is less than 15°C, ensure thorough spray coverage for quick and total aphid control.


Dilute Spraying:

Use a sprayer designed for high volumes of water up to the point of run-off, matched to the crop being sprayed. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of runoff, avoiding excessive runoff. The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different sprayer settings, industry guidelines, or expert advice. Add the specified amount of product per 100 L of water according to the Directions for Use table. Spray to the point of run-off. Adjust the dilute spray volume and sprayer setup as the crop grows.

Concentrate Spraying:

Use a sprayer designed for concentrate spraying (applies water volumes less than required for run-off) matched to the crop. Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume. Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (see Dilute Spraying above) for the crop canopy to calculate the concentrate mixing rate. The mixing rate for concentrate spraying is calculated by multiplying the dilute label rate by the concentration factor (dilute spray volume ÷ concentrate spray volume). Adjust spray volume, product amount, and sprayer setup as the crop grows.


FARMALINX Piricarb WG Aphicide may be mixed with FARMALINX WetDrop 600 Wetter and Omite*. Mixing with more than one of these products or any other product may be ineffective or cause serious damage. Such mixtures are not recommended and used at the user's risk.


FARMALINX Piricarb WG Aphicide is a Group 1A insecticide. Insecticide resistance management is crucial. Some naturally occurring insect biotypes may be resistant. Resistant individuals can dominate the insect population with repeated use. The effectiveness of FARMALINX Piricarb WG Aphicide on resistant individuals may be significantly reduced. FARMALINX Pty Ltd accepts no liability for losses resulting from the failure of FARMALINX Piricarb WG Aphicide to control insects. Specific resistance management strategies may apply, and users should contact their local supplier, FARMALINX representative, or agricultural department agronomist for further information.

Resistance Management for Green Peach Aphid Control:

Some Green Peach Aphids may be resistant to FARMALINX Piricarb WG Aphicide. If resistance is known or suspected, DO NOT use the product and seek advice on resistance management. If no resistance is known, use a maximum of 2 non-consecutive aphid sprays per season. If FARMALINX Piricarb WG Aphicide was used as the last aphid spray for the season, do not use it as the first aphid spray next season.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Apples1.1 - 1.7 kg2
Citrus1.1 kg2
Blueberries0 l2
Pepinos0 l2
Strawberries0 l2
Artichokes0 l2
Red beet1 kg2
Beans500 g2
Broccoli0.5 - 1 kg2
Brussels sprouts0.5 - 1 kg2
Cabbage0.5 - 1 kg2
Cauliflower0.5 - 1 kg2
Chinese cabbage0.5 - 1 kg2
Sweet peppers0.5 - 1 kg2
Endive0 l2
Cress0 l2
Kale0.5 - 1 kg2
Leeks0 l2
Lettuce0.5 - 1 kg2
Okra0 l2
Peas0.5 - 1 kg2
Potatoes0.5 - 1 kg2
Radishes0.5 - 1 kg2
Shallots0 l2
Spinach0 l2
Rutabagas0.5 - 1 kg2
Turnips0.5 - 1 kg2
Tomatoes0.5 - 1 kg2
Canola0.5 - 1 kg14
Cotton500 - 750 g21
Alfalfa100 - 150 g
Pasture100 - 150 g3
Lupines250 - 300 g42
Winter wheat150 - 300 g42
Winter barley150 - 300 g42
Winter oats150 - 300 g42
Winter rye150 - 300 g42
Winter triticale150 - 300 g42