
Colin Campbell
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Product Description: This product is a selective post-emergence herbicide designed specifically for controlling winter grass. After treating turf heavily infested with winter grass, it's important to implement a program of sprigging and reseeding. Reseeding can occur as soon as 2 weeks after application since this product is not persistent in the soil. However, large areas of dead winter grass may create thatch conducive to turf diseases, so a preventative disease control program is recommended. Do not use when the temperature exceeds 25°C. Avoid using on Red Fescues or Kikuyu.

MIXING AND APPLICATION: POACHEK mixes easily with water. For optimal results, use a boom spray application with small droplets for even and complete coverage. Do not use a wetting agent.

RESISTANT WEED WARNING: Poachek belongs to the other modes of action group of herbicides with an unknown mode of action. As a Group K herbicide, resistance may develop in weed populations through normal genetic variability. It's crucial to manage weed resistance by rotating herbicides with different modes of action. Resistant weeds will not be controlled by Poachek or other Group K herbicides.

PROTECTION OF CROPS, NATIVE AND OTHER NON-TARGET PLANTS: Avoid applying under weather conditions or from spraying equipment that may cause spray drift onto nearby susceptible plants, crops, or pastures.

PROTECTION OF LIVESTOCK, WILDLIFE, AND OTHERS: Prevent stock from grazing on treated plants and avoid grazing treated turf/lawn. Do not feed turf/lawn clippings from treated areas to poultry or livestock.

PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS, AND ENVIRONMENT: This product is dangerous to fish and other aquatic organisms. Avoid contaminating streams, rivers, or waterways with the chemical or used containers.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL: Store in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. Rinse containers before disposal and add rinsate to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on-site. Follow local regulations for recycling or disposal of containers. Avoid burning empty containers or product.