Powerquat 300 SL

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Equipment Usage: Do not use hand-held ultra-low volume controlled droplet applicators (CDA units), boomless jets, or misting machines.

MIXING: Add the required amount of product to water in the spray tank and agitate for even mixing. Re-agitate if left to stand. This product contains a wetting agent, and additional wetter is not required unless high volume spraying results in excessive dilution of the wetter content. Under such circumstances, wetter should be added at specified rates. Avoid using alkaline or anionic wetting agents.

Clean Water: Mix this product with clean water only. Water should be clean and free from clay, silt, and algae. Saline water, water from various sources, such as roofs, bore water, dam water, and creeks, can be used if meeting cleanliness requirements.


(i) Cereals and Broadacre Spraying:

  • Use through a properly calibrated boom spray with flat fan jets.
  • Adjust the boom height to achieve double overlap of the spray at the top of the weeds.
  • Spray pressures: 200-300 kPa.
  • Speed of travel: 6-15 km/hr.
  • Use a good marking system, and if a disc marker is used, it must turn the soil back onto the sprayed area.
  • Adjust spray volumes according to weed growth density.

(ii) High Volume Application: Higher volumes may be needed for good coverage in situations other than those specified for cereals and broadacre crops.

(iii) Washing Equipment: Wash spray equipment with clean water immediately after use. This product is highly corrosive to metals, especially galvanized iron and aluminum. Do not leave the formulation for long periods in tanks or equipment made of these materials.

COMPATIBILITY: POWERQUAT 300 SL combines satisfactorily with specified formulated soil herbicides. It is compatible with various wetting agents and herbicides. Always follow mixing directions.

Spraying Conditions:

  • Avoid spraying stressed plants, covered with dust, or under extreme weather conditions.
  • Results are better in dull weather or at the end of the day.
  • Light rain following spraying will not affect results.
  • Avoid drift into neighboring crops.

RESISTANT WEEDS WARNING: POWERQUAT 300 SL Herbicide is a member of the Bipyridyls group of herbicides and has the inhibitor of photosynthesis at photosystem I mode of action. It belongs to Group L herbicides. Some naturally-occurring weed biotypes may be resistant. FARMALINX Pty Ltd accepts no liability for losses resulting from the failure of POWERQUAT 300 SL HERBICIDE to control resistant weeds. Use may be subject to specific resistance management strategies.

Protection Measures:

  • Protect eyes while using.
  • Wear elbow-length PVC gloves, face shield or goggles, and avoid contact with skin and clothing.
  • Do not inhale spray mist.
  • After each day’s use, wash gloves, face shield or goggles, and contaminated clothing.


  • Do not work in spray mist.
  • Cease use if skin irritation or nose bleed occurs and review handling and spraying techniques.
  • When there is a risk of exposure to spray mist, wear protective clothing, gloves, goggles, and a face mask and respirator.
  • Avoid contacting vegetation wet with spray, and if necessary, wear appropriate protective clothing and gloves.
Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Rice0.67 - 1.3 l
Pasture1.3 - 2 l
Clover0.5 - 2 l1
Alfalfa1 - 2 l
Chickpeas334 - 668 ml
Beans334 - 668 ml
Peas334 - 668 ml
Lentils334 - 668 ml
Vetch334 - 668 ml
Pasture334 ml1
Hops1 - 1.3 l
Bananas1.3 - 2.7 l
Peanuts334 - 835 ml
Potatoes1 - 2.3 l