Rebuke 430 SC

Kenso Corporation
Registered until
Registration number
Active materials


Special Warning – Bananas: Under specific conditions of rapid fruit growth in hot, well-lit conditions, bag all emerged bunches before Rebuke spraying to prevent fruit marking. Do not use adjuvants other than water miscible oils with Rebuke sprays. Wetting agents may cause phytotoxicity to young fruit.

Foliar Disease on Cereal Crops: Limit Rebuke application to cereal crops to once per season (290 mL/ha) or twice per season (145 mL/ha rate). Treatment provides approximately three weeks of disease suppression. Avoid spraying crops past the flowering stage, and effects of fungicide application may take 7-10 days to manifest. Economic responses are likely in crops with a potential yield over 3 L/ha.

Spray Timings for Stripe Rust Control: Refer to advisory literature for resistant and susceptible varieties. In South Australia, consult Plant Protection Note PPN 21. Recommended spray timings:

  • Seedling Infections: Apply a spray within one week of detecting first signs of infection during tillering to jointing (when 20 out of 100 leaves show infection).
  • Adult Infections (Susceptible Varieties): Apply a spray within one week of detecting infection in approximately 10 out of 100 leaves.
  • Adult Infections (Moderately Susceptible Varieties): Apply a spray within one week of detecting infection in approximately 15 to 20 leaves out of 100.
  • Adult Infections (Moderately Resistant and Resistant Varieties): Monitor carefully, and if rust appears, spray within one week.

FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING: Rebuke is a Group 3 fungicide. Resistance may occur in naturally resistant fungi if used repeatedly. Kenso Corporation (M) Sdn Bhd is not liable for losses resulting from the failure of Rebuke to control resistant fungi. On peanuts, adhere to the Avcare Fungicide Resistance Management Strategy.

Mixing: Shake the container before pouring. Add Rebuke 430 SC to water in the spray vat while stirring. Add Agridex* (for beans, peanuts, sugar cane) or water miscible oil (for bananas) and mix thoroughly.

Application: Aircraft should fly low to minimize drift. Exercise caution to prevent contamination of streams, rivers, drains, or waterways. Employ a spray drift minimization strategy at all times.

Export of Treated Produce: Check with Kenso Agcare for the latest information on Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) and import tolerances before exporting edible produce treated with Rebuke.

Re-entry: Do not enter treated areas until the spray has dried. When prior entry is necessary, wear appropriate protective clothing and wash clothing after each day's use.

PROTECTION OF WILDLIFE, FISH, CRUSTACEANS, AND ENVIRONMENT: Prevent contamination of water sources with the chemical or containers. Employ a spray drift minimization strategy to avoid sensitive areas. Do not allow spray to drift onto susceptible plants, crops, water bodies, or human dwellings.

Registered for culturesRate
Bananas0 l
Peanuts0 l
Onions0 l
Peas0 l
Sugarcane0 l
Winter wheat0.145 - 0.29 l
Spring wheat0.145 - 0.29 l
Spring oats0.145 - 0.29 l
Winter oats0.145 - 0.29 l
Spring barley0.145 - 0.29 l
Winter barley0.145 - 0.29 l