Salvo 212

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Registration number


Apparent Salvo 212 Herbicide is rapidly absorbed by leaves and green stems, becoming rainfast within one hour. It translocates throughout the plant, accumulating at growing points in both above-ground and below-ground structures of grass weeds. Weed growth and competition with the crop cease within 48 hours, and the first symptoms become evident at least a week after application. Growing points turn brown and rot, and shoot tips can be easily pulled out after 2-3 weeks. Young leaves turn yellow or redden shortly after, while more mature leaves may remain green for extended periods. Weed control is typically complete 3-5 weeks after spraying.

If the treated area is to be grazed following application, allow 7 days to elapse before introducing stock to ensure maximum weed control.


Add the required amount of product to the spray tank, which should be 50 – 75% full. The agitation system should be running during mixing and spraying. If agitation ceases and settlement occurs, thoroughly agitate before spraying.


Time of Application

To maximize the benefits of this product, spray weeds when young and actively growing. For grasses establishing from seed, spray before tillering occurs. Higher rates are necessary once tillering commences. For annual grass weeds, spraying must occur before the late tillering stage for a complete kill.

Method of Application

Good spray coverage is essential. Spray equipment must be checked and calibrated accurately before application.

  • Boom Spraying: Check boom height above target weeds for even distribution and a double overlap pattern. When spraying grass weed targets, aim for an even distribution of droplets, with no less than 50% of the spray volume in the 150 – 300 micron range.

  • Broadacre Use: Water volumes per hectare depend on nozzle selection (50 – 100L/ha). Use 110° fan nozzles, and higher volumes for dense, vigorous weed infestations.

  • Band Spraying: Ensure sufficient coverage by using two nozzles (one on either side of the plant row) when the crop is beyond the two-leaf stage.

  • Aerial Spraying: Minimize spray drift by adjusting flying height, pressure, nozzle size, and aircraft positioning. Avoid spraying in high winds or under temperature inversion conditions. Take special care to prevent drift onto adjacent crops. Apply not less than 30L/ha.

  • Spot Spraying: On smaller areas, use a knapsack sprayer calibrated suitably.

Cleaning Up: After use, clean equipment thoroughly and rinse several times before re-use.

Registered for culturesRate
Lupines0.25 - 0.5 l
Canola0.25 l
Chickpeas0.3 l
Pigeon peas0.5 - 1 l
Soybeans0.5 - 1 l
Black currant0.5 l
Hops1 - 4 l
Broccoli0.5 - 1 l
Brussels sprouts0.5 - 1 l
Cabbages0.5 - 1 l
Carrots0.5 - 1 l
Cauliflower0.5 - 1 l
Celery0.5 - 1 l
Lettuce0.5 - 1 l
Tomatoes0.5 - 1 l