Seeker 200SC

Registered until
Registration number
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General Instructions:

  • Insecticide Resistant Warning: Sinochem Seeker 200SC Insecticide is a Group 2C insecticide. Some insect biotypes may develop resistance over time, potentially reducing effectiveness. Contact your local supplier, Sinochem Agro Co., Ltd representative, or agricultural department agronomist for specific resistant management strategies.

  • Residues Management in Export Produce:

    • Crops: MRLs or import tolerances may not exist in all markets for produce treated with Sinochem Seeker 200SC Insecticide. Check with Sinochem Agro Co., Ltd for the latest information before use.

    • Livestock: Livestock may be exposed to residues in feed by grazing treated pasture and/or sorghum. Follow grazing withholding periods to comply with MRLs for fipronil in meat, offal, and milk. For export, follow recommended Export Slaughter Intervals (ESIs) and Export Grazing Intervals (EGIs) provided by Meat and Livestock Australia.

  • Mixing: Slowly add the required amount of product to water in the spray tank while stirring or agitating. Agitate while spraying.

  • Aerial Application: Use spray techniques to minimize off-target drift. Do not use rotary atomizers. Adjust application volumes and droplet density based on the target and environmental conditions. Aerial application is not recommended for brassica and potato crops.


  • Re-entry Period: Do not allow entry into treated areas until the spray has dried. Wear appropriate protective clothing and ensure human flaggers in aerial spraying operations are protected by enclosed cabs.

  • Protection of Crops, Native, and Non-Target Plants: Avoid spraying in conditions that may cause drift onto nearby susceptible plants, crops, or pastures.

  • Protection of Livestock: Avoid spraying where bees from managed hives are foraging or where crops, weeds, or cover crops are flowering. Notify beekeepers before spraying and keep managed bees out of treated areas as needed.

  • Protection of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans, and Environment: Avoid contaminating water bodies with the product or its container. Highly toxic to fish and aquatic organisms. Employ spray drift minimization strategies, especially near sensitive areas.

Storage and Disposal:

  • Store in a cool, well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight. Triple rinse containers before disposal and follow local waste management regulations. Do not burn empty containers or product. If recycling, return clean containers to designated collection points. If not recycling, dispose of containers in compliance with relevant government regulations.

Registered for culturesRate
Sorghum0 l
Pasture0 l
Grapes0 l
Sweet potatoes0.25 l
Potatoes0.25 l
Mushrooms0 l
Ginger0 l
Cotton0 l
Kohlrabi0.25 l
Brussels sprouts0.25 l
Broccoli0.25 l
Cauliflower0.25 l
Cabbages0.25 l
Bananas0 l
Asparagus0 l