Solo 800WG

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Slowly pour the SOLO BOOWG_into the spray tank three-quarters filled with water, with the agitation system actively moving. Alternatively, premix in a bucket, by adding to the SOLO 800WG_a quantity of water of at least half the volume of the SOLO BOOWG, and stir immediately. Add this mixture to the bulk of the water in the spray vat with agitation running. If tank mixing with another product, always add SOLO BOOWG_to the spray tank first. Tank mixtures containing SOLO 800WG_should not be left overnight before use. Apply spray mix immediately to avoid settling.

Avoid combinations with emulsion or miscible oils on lender crops. SOLO BOOWG_is compatible with most insecticides, fungicides and foliar fertilizers.

Registered for culturesRate
Citrus0 l
Grapes0 l
Kiwifruit0 l
Rambutan0 l
Strawberries0 l
Tomatoes2 kg
Mangosteen0 l