Spalding Glyphosate 450

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Product Description: Spalding Glyphosate 450 Herbicide is absorbed by plants, killing both foliage and roots. Ideal application times are during active growth, moderate weather, and when plants are disease-free and clean.

Safety to Crops: Avoid contact with desirable crops, plants, or trees as Glyphosate is non-selective. Guidelines include avoiding spraying when wind blows towards desirable plants, using coarse droplet settings, and avoiding spraying in windy or hot conditions.

Spray Preparation: Ensure the spray tank is clean and residue-free. Fill the tank halfway with clean water, add Glyphosate, mix thoroughly, and fill the tank with water. Avoid using mechanical agitators and do not mix with non-approved chemicals.

Surfactant: Adding surfactant may enhance weed control, especially with high water rates or low product rates. Recommended surfactant rates are provided.

Rainfall Effects: Heavy rain within 2 hours of spraying may wash off the chemical, requiring respraying. Normal rain within 6 hours may reduce effectiveness. Avoid spraying in drought or waterlogged conditions.

Soil Persistence: Glyphosate breaks down rapidly in soil due to microbial action and moisture. Refer to the compatibility section for residual activity needs.

RESISTANT WEED WARNING: Spalding Glyphosate 450 Herbicide belongs to the Glycine group and is a Group M Herbicide. Weed resistance may develop with repeated use. Monitor for resistance and implement proper weed management practices.

Application Equipment: Various equipment types are suitable, including knapsack, handgun, boom, wiper, and aerial equipment. Detailed guidelines for each type are provided, including pressure, nozzle types, and spray volumes.

Sprayer Clean Up: After use, thoroughly clean all spray equipment to prevent corrosion. Aircraft used should be washed thoroughly, paying attention to wheels and landing gear.

Compatibility: Glyphosate can be mixed with certain additives and herbicides to broaden pest control. Detailed instructions for tank mixing are provided, along with recommended additives and herbicides.

Note: Follow recommended rates and guidelines on the label, and avoid spraying in high temperatures above 30°C.

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