Spraytop 250 SL

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Registration number
Active materials

For the control of a wide range of grasses and broadleaf weeds as specified in the Directions for Use table.

DO NOT add wetter unless spraying at high volume. Where SPRAYTOP 250 SL is mixed with water at less than 400 mL/100 L of water, add 100 mL Agral• or 60 mL BS1000 per 100 L of spray.
DO NOT spray plants which are waterlogged, under stress of any kind or covered with soil or dust.
DO NOT spray plants covered with heavy dew, but rain following spraying will not affect results.
DO NOT sow or cultivate for 1 hour after spraying but operations should commence within 7 days.
For ground application only – DO NOT use through aircraft, misting machines or hand-held ultra low volume controlled droplet applicators (CDA units).

Crop use or situation: Aid to cultivation to minimise cultivation and prepare a clean bed for sowing
Weeds controlled: Annual grass and broadleaf weed control. Early Autumn sowing
State: Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, SA, NT only
Rate / ha: 1.2 to 1.6 L*

Weeds controlled: Winter, Spring and early Summer sowing
State: Qld, NSW, ACT, Vic, Tas, SA, NT only
Rate / ha: 1.6 to 2.4 L

Weeds controlled: Wild Oats at 2-5 leaf stage in Autumn/Winter
State: Qld, Vic, Tas, SA, NT only
Rate / ha: 600 mL to 800 mL
State: NSW, ACT only
Rate / ha: 600 mL

Critical comments: Where cultivation follows spraying, it may commence one hour after spraying but should be completed within 7 days. Where heavy weed growth is present at spraying a better seed bed will result if cultivation is delayed 3-5 days.
Use the higher rates for dense, more mature weed stands. Wild oats must have at least two leaves. Where Reglone® is used the lower Spraytop 250 SL rate should be sufficient to control dense mature weeds.
Pasture: Remains of old pasture should be reduced by continuous heavy grazing. Remove stock 3-5 days before spraying to allow weeds to freshen up.

Weeds controlled: Annual grass and broadleaf weed control
State: Qld, NSW, ACT, NT only
Rate / ha: 1.6 L
Critical comments: Pre-sowing.
Rate / ha: 800 mL
Critical comments: Post-sowing, pre-crop emergence.

Crop use or situation: Wild Oat control in Spring Fallows
Weeds controlled: Wild Oats at 2-5 leaf stage
State: Qld, NSW, ACT, NT only
Rate / ha: 1.2 to 2 L
Critical comments: Use higher rate for Summer growth. Avoid spraying under hot, dry conditions. Best results will be obtained when spraying is carried out in the late evening.

Weeds controlled: To suppress growth to oversow winter seed
State: Qld, NSW, ACT only
Rate / ha: 1.6 or 2.4 L
Critical comments: Use the high rate for February spraying and the low rate in March.

Crop use or situation: Selective Weed Control Autumn / early Winter
-Annual Clovers
-Perennial Clover
Weeds controlled: Annual grass and some broadleaf weed control except Paterson’s Curse, Sorrel, Dock, Shepherd’s Purse and some Thistles For control of these weeds alternative methods such as the spray-graze technique with 2,4-D or MCPA should be considered.
State: All States
Rate / ha: 600 mL to 1.2 L
1.2 L to 1.6 L*
Critical comments: Use the higher rates for dense weed stands.

Crop use or situation: Late Winter/ Early Spring
-Annual Clovers
-Perennial Clovers
- Cocksfoot
- Perennial Ryegrass
- Phalaris
- Demeter Fescue only
Weeds controlled: Annual grass and some broadleaf weed control except Paterson’s Curse, Sorrel, Dock, Shepherd’s Purse and some Thistles For control of these weeds alternative methods such as the spray-graze technique with 2,4-D or MCPA should be considered.
State: Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, Tas, NT, ACT only
Rate / ha: 1.6 L to 2.4 L
Critical comments: Use the higher rate in Winter/early Spring when Barley Grass is present.
All applications: Graze pastures continuously after the seasonal break to a height of 2-4 cm. Remove stock 2-3 days before spraying to allow weeds to freshen up. Do not apply until clover has reached the 6 leaf stage. Mixed pastures will be scorched initially but should show good recovery and beneficial changes in composition following Spring rainfall and growth.
Do not spray clovers which are affected by insect attack, disease or moisture stress and do not use on clover pastures growing in water repellent sands or other situations subject to moisture stress at or immediately following treatment otherwise poor recovery of the clover may result. Use the lower rate for Cocksfoot and Perennial Ryegrass and the higher rate for Phalaris and Demeter Fescue. The perennial grasses must be at least 12 months old at spraying.

Weeds controlled: Yorkshire Fog Grass
State: Qld, NSW, Vic, SA, Tas, NT, ACT only
Rate / ha: 1.2 L
Critical comments: Apply in early Spring to reduce Yorkshire Fog Grass component and increase the clover and desirable grass component. Mixed pastures will be scorched initially but should show good recovery and beneficial changes in composition following Spring rainfall and growth. In lower rainfall areas application in mid to late Winter may be almost as effective but allow better pasture recovery. If pasture has been grazed allow sufficient time for pasture and fog grass recovery before spraying. Apply in spray volumes of 100 to 250 L/ha, the latter for dense or tall, ungrazed pastures. Add Agral at 200 mL/100 L or BS1000 at 120 mL/100 L.

Crop use or situation: Lucerne Autumn/Early Winter
Weeds controlled: Annual grass and some broadleaf weeds
State: Qld, Vic, Tas, SA, WA, NT only
Rate / ha: 1.2 L to 1.6 L*
State: NSW, ACT only
Rate / ha: 1.2 L

Crop use or situation: Late Winter/Early Spring
Weeds controlled: Annual grass and some broadleaf weeds
State: Qld, Vic, Tas, SA, WA, NT only
Rate / ha: 1.6 to 2.4 L*
State: NSW, ACT only
Rate / ha: 1.2 L*

Critical comments: Use the higher rates for dense weed stands. DO NOT spray Lucerne stands under 12 months old. For residual weed control or if Paterson’s Curse, Shepherd’s Purse and some other broadleaf weeds are present add Diuron 900 WDG Herbicide at 830 g/Ha.
If mintweed is present use Farmozine 900 WDG at 600 g/ha.
WARNING – In certain areas, an uncommon species of Barley Grass (H. glaucum – common Barley Grass is H. leporinum) resistant to paraquat based products has become established. It may regrow after an initial scorch by Spraytop 250 SL. Where this problem is suspected use Resilience® for grass weed control. If Spraytop 250 SL has been applied use Resilience at 1 L/ha after regrowth but before heading.

Crop use or situation: Perennial Grass Seed Crops Cocksfoot, Perennial Ryegrass, Phalaris and Demeter Fescue only
Weeds controlled: Annual grass and some broadleaf weeds
State: All States
Rate / ha: 600 mL to 1.2 L*
Critical comments: Use the low rate for cocksfoot and perennial ryegrass and the higher rate for Phalaris and Demeter Fescue.
Spray about 4 weeks after a full weed germination following the Autumn break. The perennial grasses must be at least 12 months old at spraying.

Crop use or situation: Spraytopping to reduce seed set Chickpeas, Faba Beans, Field Peas, Lentils, Lupins, Vetch
Weeds controlled: Annual Ryegrass
State: All States
Rate / ha: 400 mL or 800 mL
Critical comments: As an aid in managing annual ryegrass resistance. For use on escapes from a previous herbicide application in the current crop.
Spray the crop when the ryegrass is at the optimum stage, that is when the last ryegrass seed heads at the bottom of the plant have emerged and the majority are at, or just past flowering (with anthers present or glumes open) but before haying off is evident – usually October to November. Use of the higher rate in these crops is usually more reliable and gives a greater reduction in seed set. Reduction in crop yield may occur especially if the crop is less advanced relative to the ryegrass, that is if crops have a majority of green immature pods. The higher rate may also increase any yield reduction.
In practice crop losses in excess of 25% may occur.
Apply by ground boom only in 50-100 L/ha. Spray with a calibrated boom spray raised to give double overlap at the level of the ryegrass seed heads. Pressures of 250-350 kPa and the use of 110015 or 02 nozzles or equivalent will aid coverage.

Crop use or situation: Spraytopping to Reduce Seed Set Pastures
Weeds controlled: Grasses Generally (particularly Annual Ryegrass)
State: All States
Rate / ha: 400 mL
Critical comments: Heavily graze paddocks during Spring flush to encourage even head development. Remove stock 2-3 weeks before the anticipated maturity date of the target species. However, if this is not feasible through lack of stock, it is preferable to allow the pasture to mature ungrazed. Delay spraying until the last seed head at the bottom of the plant have emerged and initial signs of haying off appear. Spray with a calibrated boom spray raised to give double overlap at the level of
the seed heads.

Weeds controlled: Barley Grass
State: All States
Rate / ha: 400 mL
Critical comments: Manage paddocks as above. Spray after head emergence but when all seed heads are green and there is no sign of haying off. Inspect paddocks before returning stock. Provided spraying was carried out before hardening of grass seeds, stock (excepting horses) may be returned 24 hours after spraying. Where hardening seeds are present harrow to knock seed from the heads. Do not introduce lambs into paddock until safe from risk of seed injury. If seasonal conditions favour regeneration, stock should be returned to selectively graze new shoots. Spray with a calibrated boom spray raised to give double overlap at the level of the seed heads.

Weeds controlled: Saffron Thistle
State: NSW, ACT, SA only
Rate / ha: 400 mL
Critical comments: Spray after the plant begins to run to head until flowering.

Crop use or situation: Prevention of Annual Ryegrass Toxicity
Weeds controlled: Spraytop – Graze to destroy seed heads
State: WA only
Rate / ha: 400 mL
Critical comments: Grazing management as for spray topping above. Remove stock 3-4 weeks before the anticipated maturity date. Spray must be applied within 10 days after emergence of the first ryegrass seed heads.
To ensure adequate control of toxin development, heavy continuous grazing is essential from 1 day after spraying until the pasture has completely hayed off. The required stocking rate will vary but must be sufficient to keep all regrowth after spraying completely eaten off to prevent further growth producing new seed heads which could become toxic.

Crop use or situation: Hay Freezing
Weeds controlled: Maximum retention of protein in standing dry feed
State: All States
Rate / ha: 800 mL
Critical comments: Graze paddocks as for spray topping above. Remove stock 3-4 weeks before the anticipated maturity date. Apply prior to commencement of haying off regardless of the grass species involved. Spray with a calibrated boom spray raised to give double overlap at the level of the seed heads.

Crop use or situation: General Weed Control Hops
Weeds controlled: Annual Grasses
State: Vic, Tas only
Rate / ha: 1.2 to 1.6 L plus 1.1 kg/ha Simazine 900 WDG and/or 750 mL to 1.4 L/ha Reglone•
Critical comments: Apply as directed inter-row spray prior to crop emergence from Winter dormancy, using a minimum of 250 L/ha spray volume to ensure good and even coverage of weeds.

Crop use or situation: Orchards (including Bananas) Vineyards
Weeds controlled: Annual Weed Control
State: Qld, Vic, SA, WA, Tas, NT only
Rate / ha: 1.6 to 3.2 L/sprayed ha*† 160 to 320 mL per 100 L (a) see below
State: NSW, ACT only
Rate / ha: 1.7 L/sprayed ha*†

Critical comments: Spray as necessary for control of annual weeds. Avoid contacting crop foliage. In bananas apply soon after weed emergence and before weeds reach 15 cm in height. Use spraying pressure less than 240 kPa. Avoid chemical contact with roots and peepers near the pseudo stem. Repeat sprays as required. Spraytop 250 SL will not harm trees or vines with mature brown bark if this alone is sprayed.
Use the higher rate for dense weed growth.
If Fat Hen (Chenopodium album) or Portulaca spp. are present and SPRAYTOP 250 SL rate is less than the ratio 800 mL/100 L add 200 mL Agral or 120 mL BS1000 per 100 L of spray mix.
Note: Spot spray rate assumes 1000 L/ha. For lower water volumes increase dilution rate as below:
Water volume 250 L/ha: use 640 to 1280 mL/100 L
Water volume 500 L/ha: use 320 to 640 mL/100 L
Water volume 750 L/ha: use 210 to 430 mL/100 L
OR Measure how much spray is required to cover an area of 100 square metres using your normal application volume. Your dilution rate is 16 to 32 mL of SPRAYTOP 250 SL in this volume.

Crop use or situation: Peanuts Post- Emergence (in crop)
Weeds controlled: Datura spp. (2 to 4 leaf)
State: Qld, NT only
Rate / ha: 400 mL

Weeds controlled: Annual Ground Cherry (2 to 3 leaf), Apple-of-Peru (2 to 4 leaf), Milkweed (2 to 3 leaf)
State: Qld, NT only
Rate / ha: 600 mL

Weeds controlled: Stagger Weed (2 to 3 leaf), Blue Heliotrope (2 to 3 leaf), Wandering Jew (2 to 3 leaf), Anoda Weed (2 to 3 leaf)
State: Qld, NT only
Rate / ha: 800 mL

Weeds controlled: Bellvine (2 to 3 leaf), Common Morning Glory (2 leaf)
State: Qld, NT only
Rate / ha: 1 L

Critical comments: Spray peanuts up to 7-8 leaf stage but before majority of plants are flowering. Foliage will be scorched following application but plants recover rapidly. Apply in 200-250 L/ha for thorough coverage of weed foliage. A dense canopy of weeds may reduce weed control due to shielding. Add 100 mL Agral or 60 mL BS1000/100 L of spray mix.
Do not spray (on peanuts) under extremely hot dry conditions when peanuts are very small.
In environments such as far North Queensland use the lower rates in the range.

Weeds controlled: General Weed Control (in crop)
State: All States
Rate / ha: 1.2 to 1.6 L*
Critical comments: Spray at early crop emergence (no later than 25% emergence of potato shoots). Use the higher rate for dense weed growth.

Weeds controlled: Pre-Harvest Weed Control
State: All States
Rate / ha: 2.8 L*
Critical comments: Spray about one week before digging and after tops have died down.

Weeds controlled: Pre-planting and pre-crop emergence
State: All States
Rate / ha: 1.2 to 1.6 L or 200 mL/ 100 L*†
Critical comments: To control weeds in seed beds. Treat no less than three days before sowing or before crop emergence. Use the lower rate for early Autumn applications.

Weeds controlled: Post-Emergence Inter-Row Weed Control
State: All States
Rate / ha: 1.2 to 1.6 L or 200 mL/ 100L *†
Critical comments: Apply after crop seedlings have emerged or when transplanted crops are established. Direct the spray so that it does not touch the crop. Use shielded nozzles.

Weeds controlled: Seedling Weeds
State: All States
Rate / ha: 1.2 to 1.6 L or 200 mL/ 100L *†
Critical comments: Seedling weeds – use the lower rate for early Autumn applications.

Weeds controlled: Older Weeds
State: All States
Rate / ha: 2.4 L or 400 mL/100 L*
Critical comments: More mature stages of weed growth.

(Plant and Ratoon)
Weeds controlled: Grass and some broadleaf weeds
Growth stage: Up to 5cm high
Rate / ha: 1.2 to 1.6 L per sprayed ha

Weeds controlled: Grass and some broadleaf weeds - enhancement with Diuron
Growth stage: Up to 5cm high
Rate / ha: 1.2 to 1.6 L + 275 g to 500 g Diuron 900 WDG

Weeds controlled: Grass and some broadleaf weeds - enhancement with Diuron
Growth stage: Up to 10cm high
Rate / ha: 1.2 to 1.6 L + 1 kg Diuron 900 WDG

State: Qld, NSW, NT only
Critical comments: DIURON TANK MIXES: Read and follow all label directions including restraints, spray drift restraints, mandatory no spray zones, critical comments, withholding periods, regional use restrictions and safety directions for tank mix products.
Apply as a broadcast spray over-the-top of plant cane up to the 3-4 leaf stage or ratoon cane up to 10 cm high. Cane foliage will be scorched but new leaves will appear in 7-10 days. In plant cane between the 3-4 leaf stage and the formation of the true stem use a directed interspace spray. The Irvin spray boom (or other similar equipment) is the most suitable equipment to avoid excessive drift onto cane foliage while spraying at the cane bases of plant and ratoon cane. After the formation of the true stem which is resistant to Spraytop 250 SL, the sprayer height can be raised to overlap the spray pattern to give weed control in the stool. Use the higher rate for dense, more mature weeds. Spraytop 250 SL can be mixed with Atrazine 900 WDG herbicide to give residual weed control when used as a blanket or directed spray – refer to the Atrazine 900 WDG label for specific rates. To enhance activity of Spraytop 250 SL under favourable growing conditions and in open sunny conditions add Diuron 900 WDG at rates shown for weed size. Diuron 900 WDG at rates up to 500 g/ha can be blanket sprayed. Use a directed spray for higher rates of Diuron 900 WDG. Complete spray coverage is essential. For grasses and broadleaved weeds up to 5 cm high use a minimum of 250 L spray solution/ha, increase to 350 L/ha for weeds up to 10 cm high. Always add Agral at 200 mL or BS1000 at 120 mL per 100 L of water.

* Capeweed or Erodium spp. present: Add Reglone at 750 mL to 1.5 L/ha (125 mL to 250 mL/100 L for high volume spraying). Use higher rate for plants more than 10 cm diameter.
† If Spraytop 250 SL rate is less than the ratio 400 mL/100L add 100 mL Agral or 60 mL BS1000 per 100 L of spray mix.
(a) Wetting Agent: Add 170 mL Agral or 100 mL BS1000 per 100 L



Resistant Weeds Warning
Spraytop 250 SL Herbicide is a member of the bipyridyls group of herbicides. Spraytop 250 SL has the inhibitor of photosynthesis at photosystem 1 mode of action. For weed resistance management Spraytop 250 SL is a Group L herbicide.Some naturallyoccurring weed biotypes resistant to Spraytop 250 SL and other Group L herbicides may exist through normal genetic variability in any weed population. The resistant individuals can eventually dominate the weed population if these herbicides are used repeatedly. These resistant weeds will not be controlled by Spraytop 250 SL or other Group L herbicides. Since the occurrence of resistant weeds is difficult to detect prior to use Adama Australia Pty. Ltd. accepts no liability for any losses that may result from the failure of Spraytop 250 SL to control resistant weeds.
This product kills annual grasses and most annual broadleaf weeds (excluding capeweed) in specified situations and should not be used for any other purpose. Quickly kills green plant tissue on contact. Is immediately inactivated in the soil. At spraying, weeds should be growing vigorously and must not be covered with soil or heavy dew. The principle of selective weed control with this product is that annual weeds are killed but perennial plants and clovers recover after an initial scorch. The control of annual weeds by spraying with this product will allow the desirable perennial species to thicken up at the expense of the weeds. Moisture and fertility should not be limiting at spraying and the proportion of desirable species must be great enough for them to fill in the areas previously occupied by weeds. Long term weed control can be obtained following the quick knockdown given by this product if it is combined with soil residual chemicals.
Do not use hand-held ultra low volume controlled droplet applicators (CDA units), boomless jets or misting-machines.

Add the required quantity of product to water in the spray tank and agitate to give even mixing. Agitate again if left standing.

Wetting Agent
This product contains a wetting agent and additional wetter is not required unless high volume spraying results in excessive dilution of wetter content. This will occur when product rates fall below 400 mL per 100 L of spray. Under such circumstances wetter should be added at the rate of 100 mL of Agral or 60 mL of BS1000 per 100 L of spray mix. Where Fat Hen or Portulaca are present in orchard or vineyard situations, extra wetter should be used when this product ration is less than 800 mL per 100 L. Add wetter at double the above recommendations. Do not use alkaline or anionic wetting agents.

Clean water
Mix this product with clean water only. Water should be clean and free from clay, silt and algae. Providing it meets this requirement, saline water, water collected from roofs, bore water, dam water and water from creeks may be used.

Cereals and Broadacre Spraying
Use only through a properly calibrated boom spray which should be fitted with flat fan jets and adjusted to a height to give at least double overlap of the spray at the top of the weeds being sprayed. Spraying pressures should be in the range of 200-300 kPa. Speed of travel should be in the range of 6-15 km/hr. It is essential that a good marking system be used. If a disc marker is used, it must be mounted so as to turn the soil back onto the area sprayed. It is essential to obtain good leaf coverage with the spray and volumes of dilute spray must be adjusted according to density of weed growth. 100 L/ha may be used for seedlings or well grazed weeds up to 2 cm high. For plant height 2-5 cm use 150 L/ha and up to 6-10 cm use 200 L/ha. Spray volumes may be as low as 50 L/ha (30 L/ha in WA) for weed growth below 5 cm high, or for spray topping and hay freezing. Equipment must be appropriate to this volume, properly calibrated and fitted with spraying tips designed to give droplets in the 200-250μ Volume Median Diameter range.

High Volume Application
Higher volumes will generally be required to give good coverage of weed growth in situations other than those specified under cereals and other broadacre crops. Wash spray equipment with clean water immediately after use. This product is highly corrosive to metals, particularly galvanised iron and aluminium and should not be left for long periods in tanks or equipment made of these materials. For ground application only – do not use this formulation through aircraft, misting machines or hand-held ultra low volume controlled droplet applicators (CDA units).

This product combines satisfactorily with the soil active herbicides Atrazine 900 WDG, Diuron 900 WDG and Simazine 900 WDG where prolonged weed control is required as well as a quick knockdown. This product is compatible with Agral•, BS1000, Reglone•, Spray.Seed• 250, Banvel• 200, Banvel• M, MCPA Amine (to more than 1 L per 800 mL Spraytop 250 SL), Glean•, Yield•, Avamix, Treflan• and Cavalier (oxyfluorfen).

Spraying conditions
Avoid spraying plants under stress from waterlogging, frost, drought etc. or covered with dust and soil. Results will be better if application is made in dull weather or at the end of the day. Light rain following spraying will not affect results. Avoid drift into neighbouring crops.

Registered for culturesRatePreharvest Interval
Rice0.8 - 1.6 l
Pasture0.4 - 2.4 l
Clover0.6 - 2.4 l
Chickpeas0.4 - 0.8 l7
Beans0.4 - 0.8 l7
Peas0.4 - 0.8 l7
Lentils0.4 - 0.8 l7
Lupines0.4 - 0.8 l7
Vetch0.4 - 0.8 l7
Hops1.2 - 1.6 l
Bananas1.6 - 3.2 l
Grapes1.6 - 3.2 l
Peanuts0.4 - 1 l
Potatoes1.2 - 2.8 l
Sugarcane1.2 - 1.6 l