Sulphur WG
- Manufacturer
- Melpat
- Category
- Fungicides
- Registered until
- 2025-06-29
- Registration number
- 68631
- Active materials
- sulphur800 g/kg
- Links
- LabelView
General Instructions for Nimbus WG Fungicide/Miticide:
Product Characteristics:
- Micronised formulation with good spreading and sticking properties.
- Provides fumigant action and long residual effect.
- Add the recommended quantity directly to water in the spray vat with agitators running.
- If used in a mixture, ensure correct mixing sequence and continuous agitation.
- Spray volume varies depending on crop and its size.
- Increase volumes as the crop grows.
- Ensure correct rate per hectare.
- Higher rates only in favorable disease development conditions.
- Water volumes range from 400L per hectare (for some vegetables) to 8,000L for large tree crops.
Application Process:
- Fill the vat no more than 25% full with clean water before adding Nimbus WG.
- Begin agitating vat contents vigorously and continue throughout mixing and spraying.
- Pour required amount of Nimbus WG into vat, allowing bypass agitation for complete dispersion.
- Do not dump Nimbus WG into vat all at once.
- After adding, continue to fill vat with water to desired level for spraying.
- Thorough agitation should continue during the entire spraying operation.
- Do not leave spray solution standing in the vat overnight.
Tank Mixing:
- When mixing with other microgranule (MG), water dispersible granule (WG), or wettable powder (WP) formulations, add and mix well before adding emulsifiable concentrate (EC) or suspension concentrate (SC) products.
- Premix wettable powder (WP) formulations separately before adding to the spray tank.
Application in Tree Crops and Vines:
Dilute Spraying:
- Use a sprayer for high water volumes up to the point of run-off, matched to the crop.
- Set up and operate for even coverage throughout the crop canopy.
- Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off, avoiding excess run-off.
- Determine water volume through tests or expert advice.
- Add the specified amount of product for each 100L of water.
- Spray to the point of run-off.
- Adjust dilute spray volume and sprayer setup as the crop grows.
Concentrate Spraying:
- Use a sprayer designed for concentrate spraying.
- Achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy with chosen water volume.
- Determine appropriate dilute spray volume for the crop canopy.
- Calculate concentrate mixing rate.
- Adjust spray volume, product amount, and sprayer setup as the crop grows.
Example for Concentrate Spraying:
- Dilute spray volume: e.g., 2,000L/ha
- Chosen spray volume: e.g., 500L/ha
- Concentration factor: 4x (2,000L ÷ 500L = 4)
- If dilute label rate is 200g/100L, concentrate rate becomes 4 x 200, which is 800g/100L of concentrate spray.
Sulphur Shy Fruit & Vegetables:
- Seek advice from local authorities/Department of Agriculture if unsure about sensitivity to sulphur sprays.
- Compatible with wettable powder formulations of most commonly used fungicides, insecticides, and miticides.
- Avoid combinations with emulsion or miscible oils on tender crops.
Resistance Warning:
- Group M2 Fungicide.
- Fungicide resistance management is important.
- Grochem Australia Pty Ltd accepts no liability for losses resulting from product failure to control resistant fungi.
- DO NOT contaminate waterways with chemical or used containers.
Storage and Disposal:
- Keep out of reach of children.
- Store in a closed, original container in a cool, well-ventilated area.
- Triple rinse containers before disposal and deliver to an approved waste management facility.
- If no facility available, bury empty packaging in compliance with regulations.
- DO NOT burn empty containers or product.
Registered for cultures |
Citrus |
Grapes |
Peaches |
Tomatoes |