Titan Oxyfluorfen 240EC

Titan AG
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Usage: TITAN Oxyfluorfen 240 EC Herbicide is a selective herbicide designed for controlling certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. It's applicable in dormant apples, grapes, peaches, pears, plums, apricots, almonds, macadamia, duboisia, tobacco, coffee, pyrethrum, winter cereals, tropical/subtropical crops, brassicas, Eucalyptus, Pinus spp., and other forestry trees. Apply either to weed-free soil or to seedling weeds up to the 4-6 true-leaf stage.

Timing: For residual control, apply TITAN Oxyfluorfen 240 EC Herbicide to the soil surface before weed emergence, after all other agricultural operations have been completed. The area should be left undisturbed during the desired weed control period. Young, actively growing seedling weeds are suitable targets. Weed control for up to 6 months can be expected with high label rates.

For post-emergence weed control, apply tank mixes of TITAN Oxyfluorfen 240 EC Herbicide + glyphosate to small seedling weeds up to the 4-6 true-leaf stage. Use a non-ionic surfactant to improve activity. Cultivation after treatment and prior to or at planting is beneficial for final fallow weed control.

MIXING: Shake well before use. When using TITAN Oxyfluorfen 240 EC Herbicide alone, fill the spray tank at least 1/3 full with clean water and add the recommended amount of the herbicide while the pump and agitator are running. Then, complete filling the spray tank. A non-ionic surfactant, if required, should be added near the end of the filling process to minimize foaming. Maintain agitation during mixing and until spraying is completed.

For tank mixing with oryzalin (500g/L) or napropamide, add the product to a 1/3 filled tank and then add TITAN Oxyfluorfen 240 EC Herbicide during the filling operation. When tank mixing with glyphosate formulations, paraquat, diquat, or paraquat/diquat, add these after TITAN Oxyfluorfen 240 EC Herbicide during the filling operation.

APPLICATION: Spray equipment should be carefully calibrated before use. Apply TITAN Oxyfluorfen 240 EC Herbicide uniformly with an accurately calibrated, low-pressure herbicide sprayer as a directed treatment to the base of tree and vine crops using flat fan or hollow cone nozzles. Complete coverage of seedling weeds is required for maximum knockdown effect. Ensure both weed foliage and the soil surface are sprayed.

CROP SAFETY: TITAN Oxyfluorfen 240 EC Herbicide may be applied as a directed and/or shielded spray around dormant peach, plum, apricot, almond, apple, and pear trees and grapevines of all ages when applied at rates of less than 1L/ha. When applied at 3L/ha and above, the trees and grapevines should be at least 3 years of age. Avoid applying once bud swell has occurred when using rates greater than 1L/ha. Duboisia seedlings and mature plants tolerate "over-the-top" applications.

SAFE SOWING INTERVALS: Safely apply TITAN Oxyfluorfen 240 EC Herbicide 1 day prior to planting broadacre crops such as cereals, canola, pulses, and undersown pastures and 7 days minimum prior to planting cotton or soybeans, provided minimum tillage planting equipment is used with minimal soil disturbance. Avoid covering the seed with treated soil during planting to minimize crop injury. Residual soil activity may require specific plant back intervals for horticultural crops.

Registered for culturesRate
Tobacco4 l
Coffee2 - 4 l
Cauliflower1.5 - 2 l
Cabbages1.5 - 2 l
Broccoli1.5 - 2 l