Triagra 500 EC

Registered until
Registration number
Active materials

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS - Weed Control with Triagra:

Weed Control:

  • Triagra typically provides 6-8 weeks control of wild oats and annual ryegrass when the seedbed is moist during the emergence period.
  • Under very dry soil surface conditions (top 2cm), control of wild oats and annual ryegrass may not be achieved.
  • Wild oats may emerge between application and complete incorporation by sowing, especially if initial incorporation is provided by harrows.
  • Triagra will not control emerged weeds.

Crop Safety:

  • Reduced emergence of cereals and linseed may occur if seeds are placed in the treated soil layer.
  • DO NOT plant cereal crops at a depth greater than 5-7cm.
  • Overspraying of headlands or corners may result in crop damage.
  • On heavy clay soils, crop thinning may occur in wheel tracks.
  • Environmental conditions affecting emergence or early crop growth may predispose crops to injury, especially with tank mixes with other pre-emergent herbicides.

Soil Persistence and Following Crops:

  • Under prolonged and extremely dry conditions, Triagra may persist for several months.
  • Damage to field oats and sorghum may occur.

Spray Applications and Drift Risk Assessment:

  • DO NOT apply when wind speed is less than 3 or more than 20 kilometers per hour (ground application).
  • Use ONLY COARSE or larger spray droplet size category nozzles.
  • Perform a checklist before spraying, including cleaning/decontaminating the sprayer, contacting neighbors, correct sprayer setup, and checking weather conditions.
  • Record temperature, relative humidity, delta T, wind speed, and presence of temperature inversion.
  • Exercise extra care during night spraying to ensure inversion conditions are not present.

Mixing Instructions:

  • Triagra is an emulsifiable concentrate that mixes readily with water.
  • Ensure the spray tank is free of any residue of previous spray materials.
  • Flush chemical suction equipment with fresh water between products and fills.
  • Follow a specific order for adding water conditioner, herbicide additive/insecticide, glyphosate, and adjuvant.


  • Apply to soil in friable condition for uniform incorporation to a depth of 2-4cm.
  • The soil should be free of large clods (>75mm) and should not have crop or weed residue interfering with soil flow through planting equipment.
  • Emerged wild oats or ryegrass should be controlled before Triagra® application.

Conventional Incorporation:

  • Two-pass incorporation provides superior weed control on heavier textured soils.
  • Triagra may be initially incorporated with harrows or tyned cultivator and finally with a combine or airseeder/cultivator.
  • Complete incorporation should be achieved before planting or seeding.
  • Ensure soil surface is left free of pronounced ridging.
  • Incorporation equipment should not operate at greater than 5-7cm depth.

Note: Ensure that all equipment and application follow safety guidelines and label recommendations. This is a summary; refer to the complete product label for detailed instructions.

Registered for culturesRate
Spring barley1.6 l
Winter barley1.6 l
Winter triticale1.6 l
Spring triticale1.6 l
Winter wheat1.6 l
Spring wheat1.6 l
Chickpeas1.6 l
Beans1.6 l
Lupines1.6 l
Peas1.6 l
Winter flax1.6 l
Spring flax1.6 l
Canola1.6 l
Safflowers1.6 l