
Colin Campbell
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Mixing: Shake Tricop Fungicide well before use. Add the recommended quantity directly to the water in the spray vat with agitators running. If mixing with an emulsifiable concentrate, add Tricop Fungicide after making the emulsion.

Spraying Instructions for Tree and Vine Crops: Good control requires thorough coverage. Follow the appropriate spraying method for your crop.

  1. Dilute Spraying:

    • Use a sprayer designed for high water volumes up to the point of run-off.
    • Set up and operate the sprayer for even coverage throughout the crop canopy, avoiding excessive run-off.
    • Determine the required water volume through testing, industry guidelines, or expert advice.
    • Add the specified amount of product per 100L of water and spray to the point of run-off.
    • Adjust dilute spray volume and sprayer operation as the crop grows.
  2. Concentrate Spraying:

    • Use a sprayer designed for concentrate spraying with water volumes less than those for run-off.
    • Set up and operate the sprayer for even coverage with the chosen water volume.
    • Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume for the crop canopy to calculate the concentrate mixing rate.
    • Calculate the concentrate rate based on the concentration factor.
    • Adjust spray volume, product amount per 100L, and sprayer operation as the crop grows.

    For further information on concentrate spraying, consult industry guidelines, undertake competency training, and follow best practices.

FUNGICIDE RESISTANCE WARNING: Tricop Fungicide is a Group M1 Fungicide. There is a risk of resistance development in fungi through genetic variability. Colin Campbell Chemicals Pty Ltd accepts no liability for losses resulting from the failure of Tricop Fungicide to control resistant fungi.

Compatibility: Tricop is compatible with spray oils and most commonly used fungicides, insecticides, and miticides. If compatibility concerns arise, consult Colin Campbell Chemicals.

Re-entry: Do not enter treated areas until the spray has dried. If necessary, wear appropriate protective clothing and gloves, laundering them after each day's use.

Protection of Wildlife, Fish, Crustaceans & Environment: Avoid contaminating waterways with the chemical or used container.

Storage: Store Tricop Fungicide in the closed, original container in a dry, well-ventilated area, away from direct sunlight.

Disposal: Triple rinse containers before disposal. Add rinsings to the spray tank. Do not dispose of undiluted chemicals on-site. If recycling, return clean containers; if not, bury or puncture and bury below 500mm in a designated pit.

Safety Directions: Tricop Fungicide may irritate the eyes. Wear protective clothing when opening the container and preparing spray. Wash hands, gloves, and clothing after each day's use.

Registered for culturesRate
Beans1 - 3.5 l
Potatoes8 l
Tomatoes2.2 l