UniShield 800 DF

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For the control of certain fungal diseases in grapevines, pome and stone fruit, some vegetables and ornamentals; and for the control of mites in grapevines, citrus, some vegetables and ornamentals; and white louse scale in citrus.

- DO NOT apply within 8 weeks of an oil spray except when mixing canola oil as a woolly bud spray on grapevines.
- DO NOT apply product in combination with spraying oils except to deciduous fruit trees in dormant period.
- DO NOT use in hot weather on citrus, kiwifruit or on sulfur sensitive apple and pear varieties.
- DO NOT use on grapevines when both temperature exceeds 30 C and relative humidity exceeds 75% and other crops when temperature exceeds 24 C.

UniShield is a water dispersable granule formulation of micronized wettable sulfur.
MIXING: The recommended quantity may be added directly to water in spray tank with the agitators running.
1. Never mix the product with water before pouring into the tank. Remove the sleeve.
2. Fill 2/3 of the spray tank with water.
3. Turn the agitators on.
4. Add UniShield directly to water in the spray tank with the agitators running.
Finish by filling the spray tank with water while the agitators are running, even if the spraying has stopped, until the application is complete.

COMPATIBILITY: Avoid combinations with emulsion or miscible oils on tender crops. The product is compatible with most other formulations of fungicides and insecticides.

WETTING AGENT: If leaves are hairy and / or waxy, or where the water is hard, add a wetting agent.
This product may be applied as a high volume dilute spray to fruit tree and vine crops. Apply sufficient spray volume to wet all leaf surfaces to the point of runoff. The spray equipment should be adjusted so that the spray is evenly distributed, thoroughly covering all plant surfaces.

Use a sprayer designed to apply high volumes of water up to the point of runoff and matched to the crop being sprayed.
Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy. Apply sufficient water to cover the crop to the point of run-off. Avoid excessive run-off.
The required water volume may be determined by applying different test volumes, using different settings on the sprayer, from industry guidelines or expert advice. Add the amount of product specified in the Directions for Use table for each 100 L of water. Spray to the point of run-off.
The required dilute spray volume will change and the sprayer set up and operation may also need to be changed, as the crop grows.

(a) Use a sprayer designed and set up for concentrate spraying (that is a sprayer which applies water volumes less than those required to reach the point of run-off) and matched to the crop being sprayed.
(b) Set up and operate the sprayer to achieve even coverage throughout the crop canopy using your chosen water volume.
(c) Determine an appropriate dilute spray volume (See Dilute Spraying above) for the crop canopy. This is needed to calculate the concentrate mixing rate.
(d) The mixing rate for concentrate spraying can then be calculated in the following way:

1. Dilute spray volume as determined above: For example 1000 L/ha
2. Your chosen concentrate spray volume: For example 250 L/ha
3. The concentration factor in this example is: 4 X (i.e. 1000 L/250 L = 4)
4. If the dilute label rate is 250 mL/100 L, then the concentrate rate becomes 4 x 250, that is 1 L/100 L of concentrate spray.

- The chosen spray volume, amount of product per 100 L of water, and the sprayer set up and operation may need to be changed as the crop grows.
- For further information on concentrate spraying, users are advised to consult relevant industry guidelines, undertake competency training and follow industry Best Practices.

Registered for culturesRate
Citrus0 l
Grapes0 l
Kiwifruit0 l
Mangosteen0 l
Rambutan0 l
Apples0 l
Pears0 l
Strawberries0 l
Tomatoes2 kg