Apple dimpling bug

Campylomma liebknechti

Key Characteristics:

  1. Size and Color: Adult apple dimpling bugs are relatively small, measuring around 4 to 5 millimeters in length. They have a distinctive coloration, often being brown or olive-green.

  2. Body Shape: These bugs have a slender and elongated body, typical of the mirid bugs. The body may show some variations in color patterns.

  3. Feeding Behavior: Campylomma verbasci is a piercing-sucking insect that feeds on plant sap by piercing plant tissues with its needle-like mouthparts. This feeding can result in dimpling or scarring of the fruit, especially in apples.

Damage to Apple Trees:

The feeding habits of the apple dimpling bug can cause cosmetic damage to apples. The punctures made by the bug's mouthparts may lead to dimples or deformities on the fruit surface. While the damage is generally cosmetic and does not affect the edibility of the fruit, it can impact the marketability of the apples.


  1. Monitoring: Regularly inspect apple trees for the presence of apple dimpling bugs, especially during the growing season.

  2. Beneficial Insects: Encourage the presence of natural predators such as ladybugs, lacewings, and predatory bugs that feed on apple dimpling bugs.

  3. Insecticides: If the infestation is severe, insecticides approved for use on apple trees may be considered. Consult with local agricultural extension services for guidance on appropriate and safe insecticide use.

  4. Cultural Practices: Maintain good orchard hygiene, remove and destroy infested fruit, and consider practices that promote overall tree health.

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