Rice gall midge

Orseolia oryzae

Orseolia oryzae, commonly known as the rice gall midge, is a tiny insect that belongs to the family Cecidomyiidae. It is a significant pest of rice crops, particularly in Asia, where rice is a staple food. The rice gall midge is known for causing damage to rice plants by infesting the growing points and developing galls, leading to reduced crop yields. Here is a description of Orseolia oryzae:


  • The rice gall midge is a small fly, with an adult body length of about 2-2.5 mm.
  • The adult midge has a delicate and mosquito-like appearance, with long, slender legs and a pair of clear wings.
  • The larvae (maggots) are tiny and are not visible without the aid of a microscope.


  • The rice gall midge has a short life cycle, completing multiple generations within a single rice-growing season.
  • Adult midges lay eggs in rice plants, typically in the leaf sheaths.
  • The eggs hatch into tiny larvae that move to the growing points of rice plants, where they feed and cause galls to form.
  • The galls disrupt the normal growth of rice plants, leading to stunting and reduced yields.

Damage and Impact:

  • The rice gall midge infests rice crops, causing significant damage and yield loss.
  • The formation of galls disrupts the development of rice plants, which can lead to reduced tillering, poor grain development, and ultimately lower rice yields.
  • Infestations can be especially damaging if they occur during the early stages of rice growth.


  • Control measures for the rice gall midge include the use of resistant rice varieties, cultural practices such as synchronized planting, and the application of chemical insecticides.
  • Integrated pest management (IPM) strategies are often employed to minimize the impact of the rice gall midge while reducing the use of chemical pesticides.

The rice gall midge, or Orseolia oryzae, is a significant pest of rice crops in many Asian countries. Efforts are made to manage its impact through various control methods and the development of resistant rice varieties to ensure the sustainability of rice production, which is a critical food source in the region.

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