Sugarcane planthopper

Pyrilla perpusilla

Pyrilla perpusilla, commonly known as the sugarcane leafhopper or white-top leafhopper, is a small insect that is a pest in sugarcane and other crops. It is a member of the Hemiptera order and the family Lophopidae. Here is some information about Pyrilla perpusilla:


  • Sugarcane leafhoppers are small insects, typically measuring about 4-5 millimeters in length.
  • They are generally greenish-yellow with white or pale markings on their wings.
  • The nymphs and adults of these leafhoppers are similar in appearance.


  • Sugarcane leafhoppers are primarily associated with sugarcane crops, but they can also infest other grasses and cereal crops.
  • They are found in regions where sugarcane is cultivated, which includes various parts of Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Feeding Habits:

  • Sugarcane leafhoppers are sap-feeding insects. They pierce the plant tissues and feed on the sugarcane's sap, causing damage.
  • Their feeding activities can lead to stunted growth, reduced sugar content in sugarcane, and the transmission of plant diseases.


  • Sugarcane leafhoppers have a simple lifecycle with egg, nymph, and adult stages.
  • The nymphs resemble the adults but are smaller and lack fully developed wings.
  • Adult leafhoppers lay eggs on the sugarcane plants, and the emerging nymphs begin feeding.


  • Integrated pest management (IPM) practices are commonly used to manage sugarcane leafhopper infestations. These practices may include the use of chemical insecticides, cultural practices, and biological control agents.
  • Monitoring and early detection are crucial for effective pest management.

Sugarcane leafhoppers can be a significant concern for sugarcane growers, as they can damage crops and reduce sugar yields. Managing these pests is important to ensure the productivity and quality of sugarcane crops in regions where they are cultivated.

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