Sugarcane Top Borer

Scirpophaga excerptalis


Type of Pest: Sugarcane Top Borer is a significant pest in sugarcane cultivation, belonging to the family Crambidae.

Identification of Crop Infestation:

  • Symptoms: Presence of dead hearts (central shoots killed) in young sugarcane plants.
  • Larval Tunnels: Larvae bore into the top portion (growing point) of sugarcane stalks.

Life Cycle:

  • Egg Stage: Eggs are laid on the outer surface of the sugarcane leaves.
  • Larval Stage: Larvae bore into the growing points or shoot tips, causing damage.
  • Pupal Stage: Larvae pupate within the damaged sugarcane tissue.
  • Adult Stage: Adult moths emerge, and the life cycle continues.

Identification of Larvae:

  • Color: Creamy white with a dark head capsule.
  • Size: Larvae are typically a few centimeters long when mature.

Management Strategies:

  1. Cultural Practices:

    • Use resistant sugarcane varieties where available.
    • Implement proper planting practices to avoid stress on sugarcane.
  2. Biological Control:

    • Promote natural enemies such as parasitoid wasps and predators.
    • Conserve natural habitats to support beneficial organisms.
  3. Chemical Control:

    • Insecticides may be applied if top borer populations exceed economic thresholds.
    • Timing is crucial, targeting vulnerable stages of the pest.
  4. Sanitation:

    • Remove and destroy infested crop residues after harvest.
    • Avoid leaving sugarcane stubble in the field.
  5. Monitoring:

    • Regularly inspect sugarcane fields for signs of infestation.
    • Use pheromone traps to monitor adult moth activity.

Note: Sugarcane Top Borer can cause significant economic losses in sugarcane production. Integrated pest management (IPM) practices, combining cultural, biological, and chemical control methods, are crucial for effective pest control. Regular monitoring and early intervention are key components of managing top borer infestations. Always follow recommended guidelines and consult with local agricultural experts for site-specific recommendations.

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