Western corn rootworm

Diabrotica virgifera virgifera


Type of Pest: Diabrotica virgifera virgifera, commonly known as the Western Corn Rootworm, is a beetle species that poses a significant threat to corn crops.

Physical Characteristics:

  • Adults: Medium-sized beetles, typically 6 to 8 mm in length.
  • Color: Variable, ranging from yellow to green, with distinct black stripes on the elytra.

Life Cycle:

  • Egg Stage: Eggs are laid in the soil during late summer or fall.
  • Larval Stage: Larvae hatch and feed on corn roots, causing damage.
  • Pupal Stage: Pupation occurs in the soil.
  • Adult Stage: Fully developed beetles emerge in late spring or early summer, and the cycle repeats.

Identification of Crop Infestation:

  • Root Feeding Damage: Larvae feed on corn roots, causing lodging and reduced plant vigor.
  • Silk Clipping: Adult beetles may clip corn silks, affecting pollination.
  • Adult Presence: Adult beetles may be observed feeding on corn foliage.

Management Strategies:

  1. Crop Rotation:

    • Rotate Crops: Rotate away from corn to disrupt the rootworm life cycle.
  2. Insect-Resistant Varieties:

    • Plant Resistant Varieties: Use corn varieties genetically engineered to resist rootworm feeding.
  3. Biological Control:

    • Natural Enemies: Encourage natural predators such as parasitoid wasps and predatory beetles.
    • Nematodes: Use entomopathogenic nematodes that parasitize rootworm larvae in the soil.
  4. Chemical Control:

    • Insecticides: Application of soil insecticides can be effective, especially during planting.
    • Bt Corn: Plant corn varieties engineered to produce Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) toxins toxic to rootworms.
  5. Trap Crops:

    • Trap Cropping: Plant trap crops to attract and concentrate rootworm beetles for targeted control.
    • Monitoring Traps: Use pheromone traps to monitor adult beetle populations.

Note: Western Corn Rootworm is a major pest of corn, and its resistance to control measures has led to ongoing research for effective management strategies. Integrated pest management (IPM) practices that combine cultural, biological, and chemical control methods are crucial for effective rootworm management. Always follow recommended guidelines and consult with local agricultural experts for site-specific recommendations.

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