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Baadshah (HPM Chemicals) is a broad-spectrum systemic insecticide containing the active ingredient Acetamiprid 20% SP. It is specifically designed to control a wide range of sucking pests in various crops, including cotton, rice, vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals.

Key Features of Baadshah (HPM Chemicals):

  • Broad-spectrum pest control: Baadshah effectively controls a wide range of sucking pests, including aphids, jassids, thrips, whiteflies, leafhoppers, and other pests that cause significant damage to crops.

  • Systemic action: Baadshah has systemic action, providing long-lasting protection against pests by penetrating the plant tissues and reaching the feeding sites of insects.

  • Contact and stomach action: Baadshah exhibits both contact and stomach action, providing immediate control upon contact with pests and through ingestion of treated plant material.

  • Translaminar movement: Baadshah exhibits translaminar movement, meaning it can move within the leaf tissues, providing protection even to the underside of leaves where pests often hide.

  • Safe for the environment: Baadshah is considered safe for the environment when used as directed and has a low impact on non-target organisms.

Benefits of using Baadshah (HPM Chemicals):

  • Effective pest control: Baadshah provides effective control of a wide range of sucking pests, protecting crops from damage and yield loss.

  • Long-lasting protection: The systemic action of Acetamiprid provides long-lasting protection against pests, reducing the need for frequent reapplication.

  • Control of resistant pests: Baadshah is effective against pests that have developed resistance to other insecticides, making it a valuable tool for resistance management.

  • Versatility: Baadshah can be used on a wide range of crops, including cotton, rice, vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals, making it a versatile tool for pest management.


Baadshah is applied as a foliar spray. The recommended application rate and timing vary depending on the crop, pest, and pest pressure. Refer to the product label for specific application instructions.


  • Use only as directed: Follow the label instructions carefully and use Baadshah only on crops and pests as specified.

  • Prevent spray drift: Avoid drift to non-target crops and sensitive areas by using appropriate spraying techniques and adjusting nozzles.

  • Wear protective gear: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including gloves, eye protection, and long-sleeved clothing, when handling Baadshah.

  • Minimize exposure: Wash thoroughly after handling Baadshah and avoid contact with skin and eyes.

  • Safe storage and disposal: Store Baadshah in its original container in a cool, dry place, away from food, feed, and children's reach. Dispose of empty containers according to local regulations.

Always read and follow the label instructions carefully before using Baadshah (HPM Chemicals).

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