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Product Overview

Leego is an insect growth regulator (IGR) insecticide manufactured by Dharmaj Crop Guard, a leading insecticide manufacturer in India. It contains pyriproxifen, a potent IGR that belongs to the pyridinylpyrazole class. Pyriproxifen is known for its high efficacy against a wide range of sucking pests, particularly whiteflies and aphids. It is a versatile tool for pest control in various agricultural settings.

Mode of Action

Pyriproxifen disrupts the insect's hormone system by interfering with the production of juvenile hormones. These hormones are essential for the insect's metamorphosis and development. The disruption caused by pyriproxifen prevents the insect from maturing to its adult stage, leading to stunted growth, reduced reproduction, and eventual death.


Leego offers several benefits, including:

  • Specific targeting of sucking pests, minimizing impact on beneficial insects
  • Long-lasting residual control, providing extended protection
  • Disrupts insect development, preventing maturation and reproduction
  • Low toxicity to beneficial insects
  • Emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation for easy mixing and application


Leego is an emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulation that can be applied as a foliar spray. The recommended application rate varies depending on the crop, target pest, and severity of the infestation. It's advisable to consult the product label for specific application instructions.


Leego is a toxic insecticide and should be handled with care. Always wear protective clothing, including gloves, goggles, and a respirator, when mixing and applying the product. Avoid contact with skin and eyes. Do not apply the product to crops that will be harvested within the pre-harvest interval specified on the label.


Leego should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. Keep the product out of reach of children and animals.


Leego is a powerful and versatile IGR insecticide that can effectively control a wide range of sucking pests, particularly whiteflies and aphids. Its specific targeting, long-lasting residual control, disruption of insect development, low toxicity to beneficial insects, and easy application make it a valuable tool for farmers and agricultural professionals.

Registado para culturasTaxa
Algodão0.25 - 0.35 l
Pimenta chili0.2 - 0.25 l