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General Information

Mihir is a systemic insecticide manufactured by Insecticides (India) Limited in India. It contains the active ingredient pymetrozine 50% WG, which belongs to the pyridine azomethine class of insecticides. Mihir is a selective insecticide that effectively controls sucking pests, particularly planthoppers and leafhoppers, without harming beneficial insects.

Mode of Action

Pymetrozine acts by interfering with the feeding behavior of sucking pests. It disrupts the transmission of nerve impulses in the stylets, the sucking mouthparts of these insects, preventing them from effectively piercing plant tissues and sucking sap. This disruption leads to starvation and eventually death of the insect pest.


Mihir can be applied to a variety of crops, including rice, cotton, vegetables, and other field crops. It is compatible with various application methods, including foliar sprays and soil drenches. The recommended dose varies depending on the crop and pest being treated.


Mihir is a moderately toxic product. It is important to follow all safety precautions when handling and applying this product. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, long sleeves, pants, and a respirator.


Please always read and follow the instructions on the product label before using any insecticide.

Additional Information

Mihir is a valuable tool for controlling sucking pests in various crops. Its selective action against harmful pests while preserving beneficial insects makes it an environmentally friendly and sustainable insecticide for integrated pest management (IPM) programs.

Here are some additional tips for using Mihir insecticide:

  • Apply Mihir at the recommended dose and timing for the specific crop and pest being treated.
  • Monitor insect populations regularly to determine the need for additional applications.
  • Rotate Mihir with other insecticides with different modes of action to prevent the development of resistance.
  • Integrate Mihir with other pest control methods, such as cultural practices and biological control, for a comprehensive IPM approach.

Mihir Insecticide is a safe and effective tool when used responsibly and according to label instructions. It contributes to effective pest control and helps protect crops from yield losses caused by sucking pests while preserving beneficial insects in the agroecosystem.

Registado para culturasTaxa
Arroz0.15 - 0.2 kg